
If conservatives think liberals are so efficient why don't they vote democrat?

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I always hear conservatives on this forum claim that global warming is a vast, worldwide liberal conspriacy/hoax. Obviously it takes a lot of talent and efficiency to accomplish such a Herculean task. If conservatives believe liberals are so efficient will they be voting for Nadar/Obama this upcoming election?




  1. Actually, isn't voting Democratic in 2008 exactly what Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh were advocating not long ago?  I heard Coulter explain her rationale on Fox and I believe Limbaugh echoed I understand it, their idea is that putting a Democrat in office at this time of crisis on so many fronts will guarantee a disaster and total meltdown of the economy and foreign entanglements, therebye making a Republican majority a shoo-in beginning in 2012 and for decades to come.

    Isn't THAT nice?  Let's wish for a total breakdown of the U.S.A. so WE can be the boss of everything.  Everything that remains, anyway.  Kinda exposes their brand of patriotism for all to see, not to mention their despotic hidden agendas...not that they were all that hidden to begin with.

  2. Science deals in facts. Global Warming has no real facts to support it. Only personalities like Al Gore, and Michael Moore. Either one would lie worse than an old rug to get anything they want no matter how inconsequential the desire. We could start with Polar Bear Conservation, and go from there to point out thier many lies however they can tell em faster than they can be debunked. Read up on it for yourself. Read up on sunspots and weather patterns too while your at it. I will not vote for a Democrat for the simple reason that all the top Democrats are chewing up the Constitutional protections that are our birthright faster than they can lie to cover it up.

  3. consider that the mainstream media is backing democrats, and deriding republicans, thus you have a wide spread conspiracy. you also have hollywood backing liberals. liberals are efficient at talking about "feelings" but not solving problems. obama wants to "fix the economy" by taxing the people who make the economy run. you know all those evil rich people who own the businesses and put people to work. they want to put a windfall profits tax on the oil companies, and other companies by the way, to punish these companies for making too much money. but who owns the oil companies? the stock holders, like probably your grand mother. the people who will be hurt by stupid moves like that are the average person in the way of even higher prices on everything, and the loss of value in the stocks they own, and the amount of dividends paid to the stock holders by these corporations. conservatives want to fix things with sound policies to allow the economy to prosper. your choice though.

  4. Because the only thing they are efficient at is trying to destroy our country.

  5. Socialism is just another form of slavery.  Somehow I would think you would be someone who would like to see slavery make a comeback.

    Let the free markets take care of all pollution, including so called "global warming"

    Why would anyone hand their lives over to idiots like Nader/Obama/Clinton/McCane/Bush?  Their collective IQ's are equal to a mushroom.

  6. This doesn't answer your question,but by the same token liberals should like George Bush because he was able to orchestrate the 9/11 conspiracy.Pretty good for a man they call a complete idiot.

  7. Why would conservatives vote for the supposedly "efficient" liberals when they don't agree with their ideas?

  8. I don't live in the US, but a vote for liberals is a vote for continued money spent on global warming, amongst other things.

    Liberals are tax-raisers by tradition, and are rarely efficient at spending control.  We have the same thing in Canada.  You can't deal effectively with the economy and throw billions at global warming.  It's one or the other, but Liberals here are big spenders and their carbon tax plans are part of this hoax.  You can watch the price of gas soar higher if they get in, they're the same everywhere.  Thankfully the leader here is incompetent and will never gain power.

  9. "I always hear conservatives on this forum claim that global warming is a vast, worldwide liberal conspriacy/hoax. Obviously it takes a lot of talent and efficiency to accomplish such a Herculean task. If conservatives believe liberals are so efficient will they be voting for Nadar/Obama this upcoming election?"

    I don't think AGW is a massive conspiracy/hoax, but I can see that this logic is very flawed.

    Your question is "If AGW was a hoax, and liberals were the perpetrators, why wouldn't conservatives vote for them because it takes a lot of talent to create such a hoax?" Because they are creating a hoax--you don't vote for someone just because they are efficient. Even if they are efficient at creating a hoax, they are still creating a hoax, which is not favorable to most people, including conservatives.

  10. Dill Weed scratches his butt in confusion over this quesion...

    When did Obama pick his running mate???

  11. Efficiency? Sorry, it is lying in most peoples mind. And the liberal media likes to help out with it also.

    When was the last major debate on main stream TV? NEVER. They refuse to present the entire story for fear of losing people who only watch the main stream media (like my parents).

  12. efficient

         adj 1: being effective without wasting time or effort or expense;

                "an efficient production manager"; "efficient engines

                save gas" [ant: inefficient]

         2: able to accomplish a purpose; functioning effectively;

            "people who will do nothing unless they get something out

            of it for themselves are often highly effective

            persons..."-G.B.Shaw; "effective personnel"; "an efficient

            secretary"; "the efficient cause of the revolution" [syn:


    Because we mean it by it's second definition.  We WOULD vote for them if socialism were our goal.  They're very EFFICIENT at spreading propaganda for the cause.

    Edit:  "'Socialism' or not, the number one issue among dems and repubs is the same: fix the economy. Perhaps the means are different, but the desired product is the same." should ask Santa for a dictionary this Christmas.

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