
If creationists and monkeys were created at the same time, who got to the bananas first?

by Guest32630  |  earlier

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If the monkeys got to the bananas first what did the creationists eat?




  1. Beacuse crationest don't like the idea of being monkeys they lied and feared the monkeys and charels darwin apparentally

  2. I'm trying to prevent an outbreak, and you are driving the monkey to the airport.

  3. the creationists were busy figuring out original sin and procerating.  by divine intervention, they probably didn't need food.

  4. simians they are smarter

  5. The monkeys did, because they figured it out on their own instead of waiting for a 'revelation.'

    The creationists had to settle for low-hanging apples that were dangled in front of them.

  6. The monkeys got there first, then the creationists ate the monkeys. ;)

  7. Because gravity is only a theory, creationists had to wait for a monkey to hand them a bananna.  They prayed for food & the rational tribes would humor & feed them because they felt sorry for them.  Therefore Creationists developed the habit of considering themselves the enlighted & privledged members of the primate order.  Monkeys & Apes began to avoid them but the scientifically inclined humans kept them around for amusement.

  8. They ate different other fruits or they ate meat. Since creationists are humans, humans are omnivorous so they ate both meat and vegetation.

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