
If cristiano ronaldo eventually did decide to go to real madrid.........?

by  |  earlier

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...would the man.utd fans still be bragging about winning the premiership?




  1. of course thy wud coz ronaldo is only 1 man man utd have loads of other gr8 players. man utd wudnt b a gr8 team without all off thm! bt personally id support real madrid 2 win the la liga if he left 2 madrid coz i support him! lol

  2. Of course why shouldn't we, we have all the talent in the world at our disposal, give Nani 1-2 more years and he'll mould to a perfect player, anderson is amazing, hargreaves is outstanding and the list goes on and on so yeah we have a very good chance off kicking *** for a very long time.

  3. Of course they should, Ronaldo isn't Manchester United after all. Just one man

  4. why not?

    we have every bragging rights for we are the defending champions!

  5. Errrr, when United are playing, how many people do you see on the field??? Theres your answer...weird question.

  6. Why wouldn't we? We did win it didn't we? I remember watching every game last season and I do remember celebrating after we won the prem...yes I was there, so it happened. Not understanding how a player leaving now would have any bearing on the past.

  7. most of the man utd fans ... yes.... but not me because i only supporrt man u because of him...i know i am not a true fan but then again i am because i do love man u!

  8. sure footballs a team game its not just 1 player that wins it for you

  9. why not??

  10. I don't like bragging - it's not an attractive quality - but some fans bragged when we won the league the previous 15 times before we had Ronaldo and they will do so again in the future. Why would one player leaving change anything? We still enjoyed our league championship when Cantona left (when he retired in 1997), and he was a much bigger player than Ronaldo.

  11. if they are sensible people they would not

  12. They would be bragging because they know that if he leaves they wont be winning anything for a LOOOOOOOOOONG time.

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