
If dead perverts/pedophiles maintain their personalities on the other side??

by  |  earlier

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Are they watching their victims in life with erections and causing further harm if they are strong enough?




  1. Depends on how you believe in the afterlife. But, many times if a murder, death, or other emotional events run strong in a certain place there can be what is know a residual spirit. It stays behind and does not quite move on to the afterlife. They are usually harmless but can just be very creepy. they are known to move objects and makes noises to get your attention or scare you to leave the house or tell you something.

  2. I agree with Rock

  3. A human will not likely ever witness such a thing without bringing it upon oneself with colossal amount of fearful energy. A child's soul (energy) is even less likely to deliver that to one's presence.

  4. I  agree with Kimberlee Anne.

  5. I've wondered the same thing. That's why I keep telling others to be careful and not assume that the spirits they talk with are nice. Like you said..they could be perverts. Also..they could be people on earth astral traveling and having their fun.And I believe they can get into your body and make you do things. So many serial killers say they didn't have control over what they did.

  6. To Rock- have you never read the Bible? In Genesis chapter 6 you ll see that's just not true. Angelic beings certainly do have things you know about.The Nephilim-() means "fallen ones". Yes I do believe that those souls ( all tho they can repent ) do retain the evil. Most assured. There is a special place waiting for them as well.

  7. So if a spirit has an erection that must mean he has sexual desire, if he desires s*x no doubt he also desires food and water and a good night's sleep.

    So why would a disembodied spirit need or want those things?

  8. You know that is a good question...

    I don't believe many people have actually thought about this, and if they have they pushed it into the back of their mind.

    I would like to believe that after a person like that dies he is cleansed of his impurities, but we really don't know.

    I'm kinda inclined to agree with Kimberlee that the abusers were abused and therefor they are free of that burden when they pass on.

    I'm also inclined to believe that the truly miserable people on earth will continue to be miserable in the afterlife.

    It is just an unknown.

  9. Spirits don't have bodies.  So they don't have any bodily urges.

  10. I think you went a  little over the top in your descriptives in your question, putting that aside,  I will try to answer .

    What we do here on earth plane is said and done. Remember that  many abusers were abusees at one time in their life, in fact most  are.  They went through much pain and then go on to inflict the same pain with a demented and sick way of thinking that was brought on by their own past history of being an abusee.

    Once a person gets to the other side, they can go through a period of cocooning which heals the soul from their past wounds, and also makes the person confront the evils they inflicted on innocents. If they can get through this process they will then become as pure as any one else. Lifes lessons and strengths are learned from torments and pain. So this may very well be a way of our learning. I have not completely figured this out yet, and this may not be true for all cases, but I am sure in many cases this is the truth.  I know someone on here is going to tear my head off for this.

    Do spirits care about your physical self? Not really.  If they are earth bound and do not realize that they are dead, then they would keep the personality they had when they were here, as they never left. If they get to the other side, there is so much more important things that they must attend to they do not have the wish to be looking specifically at you and what you are doing. Hope that this helps.

    These are my beliefs... and I do not care or want any one to agree with me or not.

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