
If diego corrales is still alive you think corrales vs pacquiao is a best fight in their boxing carrer?

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do you think who is the person still standing after the 12 rounds? betwen pacquiao ang diego corrales fight? or corrales can beat paquiao?




  1. yes it would greater than his fight with castillo and that it would be tough for manny pacquiao to handle because of his size and reach but i think this fight would be not only be a fight of the year candidate but also a fight no one forgets this would be the fight has more drama any fight any boxing expert or fan have ever watched because corrales would win by stoppage after all his fight with castillo best paqcuiao's fight morales as fight of the year

  2. manny pacquiao will tko diego corrales in round 5.

    manny pacquiao has the speed and power advantage.

  3. On paper it would probably be the most want-to-see fight in Diego Corrales' career at this point, if he was still alive. In reality though, I don't think it would be as big as Corrales' battles with Jose Luis Castillo. Corrales would already feel right at home naturally, whereas Pacquiao is the one who would have to get use to the division and have to deal with getting hit by a true 135-pounder, who'd hit harder than anyone that Manny has faced.

    Unless Pacquiao take a more cautious approach, I could see Corrales catching Pacquiao early and ending the fight, right before the crowds' mouth begin to drowl as the action is seemingly heating up to its peak.

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