
If dinasours was real, why didn't God mention

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them in the bible, or they wasn't mention period, and dragons are mention in revelation(if you dont believe me just read). and how could they knew if dinosaurs roam the earth and they still don't know how humans came about..




  1. Humans didn't mention dinosaurs when they wrote the Bible. I don't know what God would have to tell you about dinosaurs if you asked Him about them.

  2. because, the bible cant be trusted. it was written by human hands. It didnt just get faxed from heaven. Dinosaurs are real, as shown by fossils. But biblical giants arent, because of no proof. The bible is just a bunch of bs shrouded with fancy words. If you really want to pray to god, dont do it with a bible. Religion is meant to be much simpler then the bible and the church makes it.

  3. The question is what importance did the dinosaurs have besides turning into fossil fuel?  

  4. What do you think the line in Genesis that says "and great monsters roamed the Earth" is talking about?  If that doesn't describe a dinosaur I don't know what does.


    The bible doesnt mention them because the idiots who wrote it didnt know about them that long ago. The bible is false, stop questioning reality with the bible. Instead, try questioning the bible with reality. You'll find more contradictions than that

  6. Im actually answering all of the idiots above me. first of all the great beasts of the land thing. you are stupid think of elephants, rhinos, and yes even giraffes. Now whoever was talking about evolution. that still isnt a fact. thats why its called "the theory of evolution through natural selection"  a fact is a generally agreed upon answer.seeing as how there is a huge debate over evolution vs. creation it isnt generally agreed upon.

    To answer the actual question. Why does it matter? dinosaurs are real, we have found cold hard evidence to prove this. i doubt god was bored while creating the earth and said, "hey im gonna put bones in the ground of nonexistant animals just to p**s humanity off... haha what a laugh"

  7. Ok, where to start with this cluster... yeahhhh... first off, you'd get more answers if you'd posted this in Religion & Spirituality.  Secondly, the term "dinosaur" isn't an ancient word, but it was given to these beasts in 1842 by Sir Richard Owen.  It's not a biblical term in the least.  Also, assuming that you've read the Bible, I'm sure that you've read of the Leviathan.  Stipulations are still out on what exactly this creature was. Giraffes weren't mentioned in the Bible, so does that make them non-existent?  I'd like to think not, seeing as they're in zoos everywhere.  God didn't write the Bible, a bunch of religious shepherds and scholars did.  That's as far as I see worth going on this.

    Edit:  And those of us who are fond of science are aware of how modern-day humans came about.

  8. So do you believe that  dinosaurs were so important for humanity that He should had mentioned them?  

  9. By your logic I assume that since you're not mentioned in The Bible that means you don't exist either.

  10. the bible mentions great beasts

  11. The bible doesnt mention them because the idiots who wrote it didnt know about them that long ago. The bible is false, stop questioning reality with the bible. Instead, try questioning the bible with reality. You'll find more contradictions than that

  12. Your question is very contradictory.  They do know about humans, it's called evolution.  They have found dinosaur bones and have dated them.  Do you realize our oil comes from dinosaurs?

    Edit:  I agree with you about the bible.  It is very contradictory, I'm glad you see that :)

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