
If dogs have limited recognition of colour through sight do you think it is possible for them to smell colour ?

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yes i know about he perception side of things and the reality of it according to us humans but how can we really discount it




  1. this is an interesting thought - there are people who smell in colour.

    and it is true - we cannot discount anything for any one animal until we have experienced it our selves. So until we learn to mutate into dogs, then I doubt we'll ever know the truth.  

  2. It's true that while senses do crossover in human beings (hearing/smelling visual stimuli, it's called synaesthesia) This arises from a difference in brain function and can be inherent in the individual or induced by narcotics. So whilst it's possible that there are dogs that can smell colour I don't think any studies of dogs brains have uncovered this phenomena, or if they have it's not the norm, just like us.

  3. oooohhh. interesting....

  4. No, they can't smell colour, because colour is a unique property of light, and light is uniquely perceived by the eyes.  What you mean is does a dog's sense of smell have layers of complexity that we are completely unable to imagine, that might be analogous to our sense of colour.  The answer to that question is far trickier, and you'd have to ask a dog.  Since olfactory reception requires the absorption of molecules of the substance being smelled, and the ways that they can interact with the nose are many and varied (contrast light, which has just frequency and intensity), it seems very likely that they can.

  5. No, because color is simply reflected light, and light has no molecular substance, and therefore no odor.

  6. i dont think so, you can't smell reflected light.

  7. I would guess not,

    think about it,

    red blood has to smell different than something like a red balloon.  

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