
If downloading music off the internet is illegal, then why do people still do it?

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If it's illegal, why are there still music sites out there (like Limewire)? Also, if someone were to get caught what would be the consequences?




  1. Im pretty sure its not illegal to download, its just illegal to burn the music onto a cd or ipod

    im dont know the consequences but the chances of getting caught are so slim... i mean who's gonna take the time to find out all the millions of people who illegally download music and then punish them?

  2. it is only illegal if the downloader is made aware that the material is copyrighted but you never are. all those people in the newspaper, like the famous 12yr old girl, were hosting file sharing sites. basically making them an accessory to a crime, because they enabled people to make copyrighted material available for free. limewire and all the other sites are done without any knowledge of who is uploading and who is downloading. the sites are set up in foreign countries that have little or no internet laws, so the risk of getting caught is almost completely nonexistent.

  3. because people record their songs from the radio or cd, then upload it in high quality.....and that's not illegal...same with movies online. The consequence will be a fine of $250,000.00 music to me is undenified

  4. When people do it, then only it will come illegal.

    If not doing it, everything is legal.

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