
If dreams actually mean anything, then why can't we remember most of them?

by  |  earlier

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Just a random thought that I had.




  1. When you go to sleep, your brain is still thinking. therefore, we have dreams. they don't really mean anything, for the most part. It's just the thoughts your brain has had during the day, or secret desires, expressed in a dream.

    your (and my) brain are just processing alot (ALOT) of information during bed time and depending on your mood or let's say psychological state at that moment, you have either intense dreams, which you are more likely to remember, or just random dreams.

    I don't understand why people don't remember their dreams, I remember mine If I really want to. For example, the night before I head to bed, I tell myself "I'm gonna remember my dreams" and then I just remember everything.

  2. I KNOW RIGHTT!!! and wen i wake up i always have 1 of two feelings

    if i remember~Wow that dream was stupid

    If i dont~wow that dream was awesome

    you only remember dreams if you're barely sleeping

    And i agree lucid dreams or w/e u call them are fun. i can only control mine SomeWhat like i can control what they are about when i start dreaming but sooner or later im back to not having control lol

  3. I don't think they mean anything. Just your brain resting and repairing itself while you sleep.  

  4. if you cant remember them, how do you know you had them?? blew your mind didnt I

  5. lol probably cuz they're not important or don't affect your life or you just didn't care for it

    That happens to me too.  I just wake up without remembering, while other times i have these weird, scary, interesting dreams and I can still picture them clearly when awake.  I guess it depends on your mood when you wake up and what kind of impact the dream left you.

  6. According to psychology, dreams do have significant dream and usually take place within the R.E.M stage of sleeping ... (rapid eye movemnet) this means that ur eyes are quickly moving up, down and all around by reading the signals ur brain waves are sending to the eyelids of ur eyes...

    we dont remember them because we are not fully conscious when we sleep. there are some people who wake up every night around 12 ish to record their dreams.. but the average person dreams about 5-6 times and night EVERY NIGHT.

    do not worry. dreams usually signify a previous event by piling up memories of past events and putting them together (these are usually the ones people remember) and try to "warn" us of what will come in the future, but not really.

    happy dreaming!

      - tasha -

    ps: hope this helped

  7. Dreams use a different part of ur brain.  So they are...different...  Look up lucid dreaming if u want to remember ur dreams, and trust me, it is fun.  Lucid dreams are when u r conscious while u have ur dream so u can do what u want without consequence.  I have been able to do it forever and I didn't realize it was anything special until recently.

  8. Dreams are your brain organzing information it took in that day, basically your brain is resting

  9. They usually don't mean anything...but it helps if you write what you can remember right when you wake up.  I heard that if you dream of food, you aren't getting enough of it....but I dream about pizza and cake, so idk if that is true lol.

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