
If drilling for oil in ANWAR will lower the cost of gas - why does Alaska have the highest price for gas?

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Miss Kitty: you seriously think there are no oil wells in Alaska???? You've never heard of the North slope, Valdez, the Exxon oil spill, or the Alaskan pipeline?




  1. They don't pull oil out of the ground and ship it to the nearest gas station.

    Do you see oil rigs and refineries behind your local gas station?

  2. There is no refineries there and it would have to be trucked back in...and the costs are high for transportation.

  3. I think the $1,200.00 per year that is paid to every citizen as part of the oil royalties might offset some of that pain.


  4. alaska gas is trucked in and because of the weather it has to be stored a special way

    we get alaska gas through a very convenient pipeline

  5. To lower gas prices you need to convince the speculators that America means business about drilling. We need to pass a law that approves new drilling on a massive scale.

    Just think of ticket scalpers... If you drove up to a Red Sox game in a dump truck full of $3 tickets, how much do you think the scalper would make? Well if the speculators know we are going to drill on a massive scale, the price of gas would drop like an anvil off a cliff.    

  6. Ahh, because they haven't drilled there yet?

    You mean this was a serious question? LOL! besides you said anwar, not the north slope. Same in Texas, our gas is high too. It has to go to a refinery first the its trucked back just like everybody else's, it doesn't come out of the ground 'ready'.

  7. They can afford it.

    Every citizen gets a yearly Fed check due to the pipeline.

    They will also now get State checks from the windfall profit tax that Palin implemented on the oil companies.

    Guess John did not know that, but she is his soul mate so probably OK.

  8. These people above me are lying.

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