
If dyslexic is problem with comprension then why are there so many great thinkers ie einstein?

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I know some said that he was more autistic.

On response i got that he had 'comprehension problem.'

This is what i don't understand if he had problem with comprehension then why is he able to reason. You need information from your environment to reason right. You need to understand for and against. This information can only be absorbed right?




  1. Dyslexia is a problem with written language not a problem with ideas or intelligence. Not all information is received through writing.

  2. Dyslexia is a problem with actually reading. It is a learning disability.

    Many people with learning disabilities are smarter than their reading/writing suggests.

    A person with dyslexia can read but the letters get mixed up.

    They however have no problems comprehending. Therefore they have no problems reasoning.

    Many people who have dyslexia tend to use an audio learning style rather than a visual learning style. So they still get the information they need just in a different way to those who use a visual learning style.

  3. It's very difficult to diagnose someone as autistic, especially someone who is dead.

  4. Dyslexia is a problem with the written word - nothing more. Being dyslexic is no bar to being a clever sod.

    As an interesting sidenote - there are no Chinese dyslexics. At least, they're not recognised - kanji (sp?), being largely pictoral, is not susceptible to dyslexia.

  5. It is often believed that Einstein was dyslexic, but I believe he was more likely to have Autistic Spectrum disorder.  As the parent of children with both of those Special Needs, I would say that Dyslexics have issues with the written word, not the comprehension of language.

  6. It isn't true to say that people with comprehension difficulties cannot reason because not all people are the same.

    Dyslexia is not a problem with comprehension, it is a problem with words sliding all over the page so you cannot read them. Read a passage aloud and many people with dyslexia can understand.

    Regards Einstein, it is suggested he could have been autistic. In the same way that not everyone who has visual impairment is blind, there are degrees of autism which is why it is a spectrum. Some people with autism are able to reason, for instance if you look at Temple Gradin you can see that she reasoned cows en route to the abbatoir were being upset by bits on the ground more than the thought of the impending electrocution. Once cleared cows were then less stressed on their way to death.

    So no I am not sure you are entirely correct in your assumptions.

  7. he wasnt dyslexic:

  8. Dyslexia is a problem with decoding not comprehending.

  9. Dyslexia is not a problem of comprehension, many dyslexics have high intelligence, there brains just operate differently from the majority.

    The most common way for this to show itself is a difficulty in learning reading and writing, though once this has been learnt they can go on to become prolific writers like Ben Elton.

    Dyslexia has nothing to do with being able to understand or reason.  Many dyslexics due to looking at things differently are able to "think outside the box" a new term and therefore have been leaders in their professions like Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso and many more.

    I think you have a basic misunderstanding of what dyslexia is.  If you take a look at the list in the website below you will see that being dyslexic has nothing to do with being unintelligent.

  10. Your question itself is incorrect.. being dyslexic doesn't mean problem with comprehension.. it means problem with letters... so yes... many great men out there are dyslexics...

  11. dyslexia isn't a problem with comprehension-irt is with the actual reading

    people with dyslexia may have some difficulty understanding they way something is written-

    such as a question like

    which one of these is NOT a color

    red, blue, square

    but would understand which one is a color

  12. dyslexia is just a label.  people can overcome the labels and succeed.

  13. Dyslexia, or reading disability, is typically not a problem with comprehension- but rather in phonological processing.  That is, the person is slow and inefficient in decoding words- converting letters to sounds.  The person does not automatically decode words- hence, reading is slow and effortful.  The poor comprehension is because the person cannot read the words- if you read the passage to the person, the person will understand it.

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