
If earth is getting too crowded, then who should die first?

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Have you ever heard of voluntary euthanasia?




  1. The Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan are dying first. Killed by the USA forces.

  2. realistically, if that threat did pose then they would probably add restriction on the number of babies a qomen could have, like they are doing in china, to control the population growth

  3. The old people. Their life is almost gone anyways.

  4. Earths enemies ,should be sacrificed to the Gods we cannot afford to have any of those around when our survival is at stake.

    either you like nature and Animals and realise that we all are interelated for our survival,that we all are components of eco systems.and part of the same concept of water ,to harm any of it in the end means harming ourselves

    or you dont

    in which case you can be classified as an enemy of the planet

    .and so become qualified to join our new program of Environmental recycling ,a revolutionary Green idea

    to combat overpopulation,help the water shortage ,food supply ,stop expanding agriculture ,make a dent in people that contaminate and motivate others to behave more environmentaly correct ,

    all you need is a white robe ,and bring a bottle (i hate the sight of blood)

    we got our own knives and you (the enemy of the planet )is despatched heaven wards

    this makes the religious people  happy ,they are preocupied with gettin to their Paradise  anyway ,

    and they dont seem to care very much for what happens here .the fact that one has to die first to get in does not appear to bother them ,

    we use the remains to compost the lands destroyed by irresponsible agriculture (more enemies to be found here ) and have an excuse for lots of full moon parties ,and we can get on with caring for our Earthly Paradise ,whilst we are still ALIVE

    the Gods and especially Gaia would be over the moon.

    and absolutely everybody will come out the winner

    only the enemies of Earth  ,who have no paradise to go to ,could  possibly object to that ,

  5. Asking such a diabolical question tends to make crowds of  people start looking for volunteers.  So, when you look out at humanity, who do you not see among the crowd?  You need humanity.

  6. It is not up to us to decide who lives and who dies.  And for the other answer given...just because a life has been lived longer than others doesn't mean it isn't just as precious.

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