
If elected president, should obama nationalize the oil companies, that would go a long way ,

by Guest64987  |  earlier

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toward balancing the budget.




  1. If elected President Obama is going to do nothing like that.  First of all if he wanted to do that he could do it right now as it would take an act of Congress and even though you would not know it Obama is sort of an elected official.  Obama has flipped over so many times on energy issues its hard to say what he would do, but I doubt anything.  I am a lifelong Dem and I swear I have no idea what any of his issues are because he has changed so many times.  Quick, is he for drilling offshore California or not?   He was against it but now he is for it.  Just depends on the day.  Slimy old Bush asked Congress to give him a bill that would reduce the Federal tax on gasoline but they did not send him one.  He asked twice.  Gasoline tax is where the pork barrel money comes from, where Dem Senators like Byrd get the flash money to send to buddies back home.  You should, if you really were interested in the issues, try to find out what kind of laws were passed by this Congress before they left for the summer.  No energy bill.  Obama could have at least sponsored one, just to pretend, but he did not.  No energy bill from the Dem Congress.  Being President is not nearly as important as who controls Congress because that is where the laws come from.  Usually those rant and rave about Bush on sites like this, have no idea how government works and how a law is passed.  This Dem majority could have done EVERYONE of the things that Obama promises.  Could have done them now.  Of course, so long as people yell about Bush the Dems get a free pass.  Just like Iraq.  Only one Dem Senator voted against the Iraq War, the Dem majority sent the country to Iraq, not just Bush.  And WMDs that information came from the Senate Intelligence Committee, that controls the CIA, NSA and FBI and that information was presented to the country by Senator Rockefeller a senior Dem who chairs that committee.  Reality bites.  But to sit around and rant about Bush and give the Dems a pass just makes you a sucker for the hucksters.  Obama could have taken action on Iraq, did not, could have introduced energy bills, did not in fact voted for Bush's plan (McCain did not) and it goes on and on.  Whats wrong with the country?  Voters don't even know what the candidates are saying or what has been done.  Obama?  Well he is all about...Yes We can...Believe...I am for that and that and that over there and what do you want to hear today.  Thats whats wrong with the country.  People bark like dogs when Obama blows the whistle but have no idea that his party is the majority party in Congress and this Congress was the lowest rated Congress in history.  Who cares about Bush.  He is history but the people who we think are going to be better have already proven to be much less.  

  2. No. That's what socialist / communist countries do. I don't want to live in neither. Should we nationalize Microsoft or Apple? They make billions of dollars.  

  3. I hate to be the one who pops your bubble on this one, but here goes.  Can you name ONE government department that can manage its money efficiently and balance its own budget???  So....having the U.S. Dept. of Crude Resources might sound like a good idea, but I guarantee you that all the money that would be received in revenue would be 'lost' or spent as 'pork' or be wasted on $800 toilet seats, $500 hammers, and $3,000,000 outhouses.

  4. That would go a long way toward turning this country into even more of a Socialistic country than it is already.

    No! He shouldn't do it!

  5. In time the socialists will do that and more. Now don't go scaring the folks by letting on that the democrats want the USA to be a socialist country. He has them thinking it's only change. And they are for that.

  6. Nationalisation is a Karl Marx scenario; want that ?

  7. Great idea!

    F. D. Roosevelt did it during WWII (Montgomery Ward) in order to mke that company comply with federally mandated labor laws.  It was only necessary to do this once...the rest of  big business and manufacturing got the message immediately.  Roosevelt returned control of the Ward company to its owner in just a few weeks.

    Unfortunately, none of our leaders, current or future, have the cajones to do this today.

  8. It would create quite a stir, when the price of a gallon of gas would be under 20 cents a gallon, as it is in Venezuela after they took back their oil that the oil companies were stealing from them . And all it took was one little nationalizing of the oil companies in Venezuela.It raised their standard of living, gave everyone access to health care, gave everyone guaranteed retirement. I can't wait until we invade those socialists dogs!

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