
If email is free, then why can't texting be as well?

by  |  earlier

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I mean if Hotmail is free on a computer to use and send messages, then why can't sending text messages on a phone be free as well.

Why don't phone companies just get bigger servers like the WWW?




  1. U can get it for free when u use Cellity free SMS(Get Jar)

  2. Any 'free' service, like e-mail or this answer service, is paid for by it being connected to something else bringing in money.  See the ads all around your free email site?  People click and buy, in theory and in practice, and money is made.  Some of that money pays for the 'free' email.

    Your cell phone doesn't have any advertisements floating around the screen, I hope.  When someone figures out how to do that, maybe text will be free.

    Actually, many cell phone plans have 'free' text, but it's only because it's being paid for in some bundled 'discount program'.

  3. Texting involves mobile network data transfer (which takes up some of their limited bandwidth)

    Email (on computers) uses a wired network that has a lot more capacity.

    Email on a phone costs, for the same reason that texts cost.

  4. Do you pay for an ISP? If you do email isn't free.

  5. email isnt free - you have to have internet, and when you do have internet - you pay for it!

  6. Nothing is free.  But think about it this way..... If millions of people are doing something several times a day, why not make money off of it?

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