
If emperor hirohito was not allowed to be spared after japan surrendered, what would have the japanese done? ?

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what will eventually happen?




  1. The Japanese would have fought on.  At some point we would have just left them in ruins.  At some point the bombing with the A-bomb would have stopped, fact is, we were out at the moment.  Japan offered to surrender as long as the Emperor was still the Head of the Government, like the Queen of Great Britain is.  We would have won.

  2. nothing.

    Hirohito was a war criminal and should have suffered the same fate as the top n***s.

  3. they wouldn't have done anything...what could they have done. the u.s. had dropped 2 atomic bombs on japan and they were a defeated country. the japanese were totally at the whims of the u.s. govt.

    it was macarthur, who spared hirohito.  

  4. If the emperor was to be killed, the Japanese people would have fought to the last man, woman, and child. The emperor was a god to his people.  They would all have died to preserve his life.

  5. The Japanese would NEVER HAVE SURRENDERED.. they would have fought to the last person to protect the Emperor... which is why McArthur made the deal that the Emperor would be spared if the Japanese surrendered

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