
If evangelicals want to run the government, is it time for the rest of us to examine their theology?

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Jesus preached "turn the other cheek," and yet the evangelical tendency is for a "preemptive strike."

Now, since the evangelicals have moved full force into politics, isn't it the time for the rest of us to examine the validity of their theology? More information and a resource is posted on my biography.

So what do you think? They question government. Is it time to put a careful eye on their theology?




  1. Thank God for Democratic Catholics and Jews.

  2. One could easily equate evangelicals to the taliban in that they take an interpretation of god's word and twist it to fit their own ideals and beliefs then force feed it down the mouths of others - and anyone who disagrees is the enemy.

    Religion is the most instrumental and detrimental facet of human existence.

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