
If every Evangelist now had a daughter with an unwanted pregnancy, would they still oppose abortion?

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If every Evangelist now had a daughter with an unwanted pregnancy, would they still oppose abortion?




  1. Since the wide term Evangelical is used by many to indicate anyone who goes to church then I would say some would and some wouldn't.  I do not think every "evangelical" is against abortion in every case any more then I think every Liberal believes t should be on demand with restriction.  I an a conservative and do not believe abortion should be illegal but I do think their should be limits on it to some degree.  I honestly do think most people agree with that and common ground and compromise can be found if the extremes on both sides quit name calling to keep the majority from even talking to each other.  I am a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment but I do think that some restrictions should be in place and the system now used to control purchases are about right also; same compromise is available in the abortion rights cases but the truth is as I said both extremes are or in my way or no way mode and do not want people to actually talk or discuss it.

  2. Yes, they believe that abortion is murder. there are other options than abortion to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. Adoption is one, and certainly keeping the baby even if it is a bit inconvenient is another.

  3. Maybe you should ask if Barack Obama was in a delivery room where a botched partial birth abortion had just taken place and the baby was born alive, could he or would he stand there and let it die?

    Or is it still a "fetus"?

    Is that "above his pay grade"?

    Would he try to save it?

    What was that he was saying about adoption?

    It think I'm going to be sick.

  4. 2 years ago I found out I had lost my job. Later that day I found out that my wife was pregnant. That was definitely an unwanted pregnancy.

    Now my daughter is using sentences as long as 3-4 words, and can say the name of her little brother who is due in November. Just because she was unwanted at the time doesn't mean that we even once considered abortion.

    Do you think you can prove a point by stereotyping people and assuming they would behave in a certain way given a hypothetical situation? Because it isn't working.

    To answer your question: Yes, they would still oppose abortion.  

  5. I think it would be a much better world if those who oppose abortion adopted those poor unwanted babies and raised them as their own.

    Oh too expensive?  

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