
If every home could be powered by its own nuclear energy

by Guest64732  |  earlier

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what would the costs be to heat and cool a home for a year?




  1. It would be enormous.  Nuclear energy is only efficient by using an economy of scale.  It takes a lot of infrastructure to have a nuclear reactor.  You make that back by making a lot of energy.

  2. ummmm weird question..i think this will happen in the 50 century cause first of all only some country's have nuclear energy ...and nuclear cause harm to the body so till we invent suits protect ur body fro nuclear energy ...u will be melted in ur cold house powered with nuclear forget it  

  3. Apart from the fact that every home owner would have to be a neuclear scientist, it would cost an enormous amount of money to install and maintain. It would cost literally millions. Forget it!

  4. If you set aside the fact that reactors HAVE to huge and operated by a small army....

    It would probably cost you about $50 a year for uranium and about $3000 for the water to cool the reactor - unless you lived by a river then the water could be free.

  5. your health

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