
If every human on earth jumped in the ocean, how much would sea level rise?

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If every human on earth jumped in the ocean, how much would sea level rise?




  1. Insignificant figure or a meaningless figure.

  2. fill your bathtub then drop a coin in the water do you see any difference in the level of water?

  3. Well the earth has 326,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of water.

    we would displace about 20 gallons on average each. So 20 X 6.5 billion would be

    130 billion gallons

    so compare numbers

    ..................130,000,000,000 +

    326,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons

    So the water would raise about

    0.000000001 percent

  4. very little, if any and that's assuming we all sink which is unlikely

  5. you couldn't measure it it would be so small.

  6. A measurable and calculable but insignificant amount.  Find a map of the world and find Lake Managua in Nicaragua (Central America).  If all the people in the world stood up touching shoulder to shoulder, front and back, all of them would fit within the lake's surface area, without having to stack them.  Compare the area of the lake to the area of the world's oceans.  There may be too many of us but it is not do to our volume.

  7. Assumptions:

    6 billion people

    Average mass of human is 65 kg

    Density of human is 1 g/cc

    Average human volume is 65 liters

    Surface area of oceans is 361,000,000 sq km (3.61 x 10^8)

    Surface area of oceans won't change by adding 6 x 10^9 people

    1 cubic meter = 1000 liters

    So based on these assumptions, now we know that all of the earth's people would displace 65 x (6 x 10^9) liters, or 3.9 x 10^11 liters (1 kg at 1 g/cc = 1 liter).

    It would take 10 liters of water to raise the level of one square meter of ocean by 1 cm, or 1 liter for 1 mm.  Therefore we also know that in order to raise the sea level of all the earth's oceans by 1 mm, it would take 1 x  3.61 x 10^8 liters of water.

    Each person is about 65 liters, therefore each person would raise one sq m of water by 6.5 cm, or each sq km by 0.0000065 cm (0.000065 mm). But we have 6 billion people and 361 million sq km of ocean, so

    0.0000065 cm x 6 x 10^9 people / 3.61 x 10^8 sq km of ocean

    yielding 0.0000108 cm.

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