
If every human were to die tomorrow?

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what would be the last trace of our existence to dissapear from the earth?

And how long would it take before there was no trace of us at all?




  1. just like some things are trapped in ice i believe that

    some of our arctic explorer equipment would be always trapped in ice and remain pretty much the same it is over the existence of the universe until the atomic decay.

  2. parachute pants from the 80's, and never

  3. uhmm why are you thinking about this?

  4. "if every human were to die tomorrow?"

    You are sadistic.

    "what would be the last trace of our existence to dissapear from the earth?"

    Our remains.

    "And how long would it take before there was no trace of us at all?"

    Soon enough.

  5. they made a movie about it on history or discovery channel

    try to google Live Without Humans

  6. If you believe scientist, who say our sun will burn out in 6 billion years, then it would be 6 billion years. Because when the sun dies it will take all the planets with it. This process is called a "nova" Don't worry about it, humans will be long gone before that happens.

  7. There is a fascinating book called "The Earth Without Us" by Alan Weisman that deals with this very issue.  I haven't finished the book yet, so I don't know what he concludes is the last remains, but you should check it out for yourself.

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