
If every job in the world payed the same wage, then would job would you do?

by  |  earlier

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Would you carry on doing your current job or would you change it, and if so, to what?

Why would you do the job you'd choose? Would it be for fame, travel, to help others, etc?




  1. Well if they all got payed what all the celebs are in i'd gladly do anything to be honest.

    money is money and at the end of the day, its going to put a roof over your head and put food on the table..

  2. I think i would keep my current job, Internal Monitoring Department.

    I like keeping tabs on everyone. i am the eyes and ears of my company. too bad most employees hate me. They call me and my colleagues the Gestapo.

    oh well. that's life

  3. I'd open an holistic clinic and also a care centre for families to live in with sick children, so they're looked after 24 hours but they can still live with their families. That's what I'd love to do with my future but i doubt I'll ever get the money or funding to do it.

  4. I wouldn't change my job now for all the tea in China.  I'm outdoors in the fresh air and enjoying it.

  5. Farmer. I like being outside, I like watching things grow, I like hard physical work, and I love animals.

  6. I would carry on being a chef, because believe it or not, I chose it as my career because I enjoy it. We get wages anyway so it would probably mean a pay rise lol

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