
If every other living creature is naked, why do humans wear clothes?

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With the exception of when it's frikkin' cold outside.




  1. Humans feel shame.

  2. We have parts of the body other animals don't. Some animals have the bottom parts as boy's but otherwise girls and guys have parts that need to be hidden until old enough.

  3. Large brain or Eve and that friggin snake doomed us all.

    Ever had a sunburn on your butt? reason enough...

  4. We have less protection against the sun and the elements since we lost our fur.

    Besides that, imagine sitting on a public bench or subway seat naked after everyone else has also sat their naked?  

  5. It's a little more free in other countries..even in the U.S. we have nude beaches and clubs..You could look at it like wrapping on a present though  

  6. so's I can go shoppin

  7. Wow I never seen naked people walking around anywhere where i live, although their is a nudist camp near me.

  8. humans have shame

  9. We can make them and we want to enhance our look, plus we are used to them.

  10. We don't have hair covering our bodies or thick skin to protect us from nature and the elements like animals do. Ever thought of going camping or hiking naked? Scary thought, isn't it? (in more ways than one ^_~ )

  11. They did not eat the forbidden fruit from the bad tree

  12. the illuminati wants us to feel like we arent animals so that they can control us.  there is nothing wrong with being naked. humans are just animals.  we need to rebel against the illuminati.  we should have a naked riot

  13. because we haven't any thick protection in our skin that will protects us from cold and heat temperature

  14. because some people are fat and ugly

  15. Clothes allowed early hominins to venture out, away from the Equator...

    However, in doing so, we lost our body hair, as we became dependent on this artificial source of heat insulation!

  16. Hermit crabs "wear" others' shells.

    But as for other critters, they haven't the capacity (physical and mental) to create clothes.

    As you point out, clothes ar beneficial. Others have to keep warm in other ways.

  17. Clothes keep our balls from swinging to and fro.

  18. Well , I never wear clothes. So I'm not sure what the problem is here. Our whole family makes it a policy to go naked the store, the movies, the mall. We are a very popular group and have a big following wherever we go. Try it sometime!

  19. Because the snake tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit.

  20. Because modern society dictates that we shave off ALL of our hair and without the hair we don't have the necessary protection.  You men decide, do you want us walking around with clothes or walking around naked with hairy legs, pits and who-has?

    Plus you didn't give us the little pouch like a kangaroo so we have nowhere to store our cell phones and small electronical devices.

  21. Because it keeps textile and fashion industry workers employed. That is half of the jobs in the world. Many families would starve if we went naked 24/7.

    Also, the p**n industry would grind to a halt, putting s*x professionals out of work and starving their families.

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