
If every religion...?

by Guest59418  |  earlier

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If every religion found a common ground and started to make compromises, what would the world be like?




  1. Like when all the sects of early Christianity compromised and united into the Catholic church.

  2. It would be improved immensely.

  3. Luke warm nothingness... that answered no real questions and never answered the biggest problem mankind has... Sin.

  4. It will never happen, religions are too different even in fundamentals. But if that miracle could happen, then humans would have conflicts over race, country, &c.

  5. Much ; much ; much Better

  6. Interesting that I should stumble upon this question...

    Just a few hours ago a thought popped into my head as I was listening to some music (can't remember what) - "I can't imagine that God would ever accept one person over another when both of their religions calls the other 'Devil'..."

    My ideas are open to suggestions, but if I had to voice my opinion on the matter, I'd say that religions, despite their discrepancies, typically have valuable lesson's to teach...

    It is important to realize, though, that most religions are dumbed down to the point where children can be easily indoctrinated... In other words, most religious foundations are based on simple metaphors and metaphysical conjectures...  There IS a MORAL common ground, however, which CAN be gained from the narratives told in most religions (i.e., murder = bad, etc.)... It just takes an open mind, rather than a 'herd' mind, to quote Nietzsche... Sorry if that sounds pretentious, it's not my intention... (I'm a phil. major).  I do think the world would be better, though, if religions could drop most of their individual prides and realize the similarities in each other's religions.
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