
If everyone makes mistake why do i get yell at when i make one?

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If everyone makes mistake why do i get yell at when i make one?




  1. your mistakes are big mistakes i guess. stop making big mistakes and you won't get yelled at ;-) good luck!

  2. Everyone makes mistakes, yes. The thing is, you need to take responsibility for your own mistakes and learn from them and to not worry about others.

  3. I guess it all depends on who's yelling at you! You should ask this person(s) why they feel the need to yell, when they could just as easily inform you of any mistakes by discussing it with you! They could point out what was done wrong, and suggest a course of action to help prevent you from repeating it.

    A wise man once said, "You can get more done with a kind word and a 2x4 then you can with just a 2x4!"

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