
If everyone on earth farted at the same time what would happen to the Ozone?

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What about all the cows too- all the cows and all the people at the same time?

What about all the living things on earth?




  1. It would stink, that's for sure!

  2. That would produce a lot of methane gas..but it would be hard to get everyone together..few folks wouldn't for what ever reason..few would c**p their pants......the world may never know.

  3. to the Ozone nothing, but if someone light up a match then BOOM !  lol

  4. well whole world will b like africa then ! wot else !

  5. LOL.

    Thats impossible for ALL living things to f**t at the same time.

    But it'll be funny.

  6. What a good idea.  Lets try it and find out - for the sake of science.

  7. Let's try it !!

    In truth, the ozone layer is just a layer of gas that has thin spots and holes that open and close naturally.  We have no effect on such things and never have.

    But it's a funny thought.   If you can organize a massive flatulence day, I'll participate.  And so will by dog, who's very gassy.

  8. Would we have to pull each others fingers? Cows don't have fingers.Mooooooo.....pfffhhhtt! Eeeewwwww.

  9. *All fall over laughing*  Good one Kia-Sister!!!

  10. It may regenerate!

  11. Only the cockroaches and rats will survive.

  12. The ozone would appear to explode outward into the universe and become one with the cosmos, due to the hallucinogenic effects of such high concentrations of f**t gas.  Some guy in southern croatia would write a paper about the ozone explosion, saying it would lead to a new ice age.  This paper would then be published on junkscience and the Huffington post.  The denieristi would descend en masse on Yahoo Answers, posting things like "Now that the IPCC has changed its mind can Al Gore be hung as a war criminal?" and "Now that Global Warming has been proven wrong does every skeptic get a free SUV?"

    Bob and Dana will set them straight, Cindy W and Evans will call them liberals, and the sun will continue to shine.

  13. That type of collective gas is flammable and there would be some collateral damage if exposed to flame. But if there are no flames, I'm sure nothing would happen. There might be some fainting and some old people may die but I don't think it would undo creation even though the methane gas from all the cow farts would probably devastate the ozone layer even further.

  14. "Ah, a man and his barbeque."

    "I know what you mean."

    Suddenly there is an explosion of sound, like the sound of a small nuclear warhead, which is strangely mixed with that of a balloon expelling it's air.  Suddenly a noxious odor pinched the nostrils of everyone while they shout, "Aw man who cut the cheese!" and other expressions.  

    Someone goes to light a match and a horrified onlooker tackles him. "Don't light that mat--"  Suddenly there is a giant explosion that seems to ignite the very air everyone breathes.  The explosion travels around the globe and is so powerful that it turns the surface of Earth into a cinder.  The explosion continues to burn and then the oxygen in the air begins to feed the original conflagration.  

    The secondary ignition is powerful enough to knock the Earth of its axis and out of orbit, where to this day, it is now a moon of Jupiter.

  15. Nothing

  16. Cockroaches CAN"T, that is why boric acid works.

  17. Forget about what would happen to the ozone...what would happen to us? Wouldn't we like spontaneously combust or something?

  18. The Earth would stink so badly it will explode killing everyone

  19. nothing would happen.


  21. Heh heh heh

    You said "f**t."

  22. why would you want to no about this, lets try it count to 3 lol

  23. Who Care? I think the smell would kill us all anyway.  That would be the end to humanity.

  24. Heh the smokers would set all that methane alight and only people living at the poles would survive.

    Sometime I think that the people at my job, conspire to pull synchronized farting off, just to make it stink in here.

  25. My ozone would return to its original state.  The Earth's ozone would be unaffected.  All living things in unison?  The human race would laugh together for the first time in history.

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