
If everyone stopped eating meat today and became vegan, what would we do with all the livestock?

by  |  earlier

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Honest question.

Would we leave them to die a horrible death, as they have absolutely no resources to protect themselves?

Or should we continue to eat them, but cease to breed them, and when there's none left, then we can go on to being vegans?




  1. die a horrible death? do you really think that having no "resources" would cause them to die? they eat grass. and plants. theyd be fine. plus, theyd die of Natural causes. thats a lot better then getting your throat slit and being hung upside down to bleed to death. dont you agree? and yes, i know thats not how they do it on farms, they "just" shoot them in the head (which is still horrible) but most people dont get their meat from good ol' farmer joe, they get it from a super market, and the super market gets it from, you guessed it, a factory. the world would be soo much lovely-er if we were all vegetarians or vegans. no one would be obese. minimal people would have heart disease. so, to answer your question, we would let the livestock roam around and keep them as pets. whats the difference between a cow and a horse? (:

  2. Yeah, brilliant;-{ then what do we do with all that grass?

    We can't eat it ourselves;-{ we're not herbivores.

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