
If everyone was content and happy?

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Would we still be living in caves.Is not being content and happy the secret to Human success.




  1. I would agree, achieving happiness is the ultimate success, but you can achieve happiness on a spiritual level and a material level.

    We would all be happy in a cave, if we never saw a castle.

  2. Dude, it's all about the chicks, man!  I'm half kidding.  Status, money, fame, notoriety.  It's all plumage on a bird.  Hey Laaaaadies!  Competition is all about the females.  Without females, men would still be under palm trees trying to figure out what else they can ferment!  I'm not completely serious, but...

  3. Can we truly know what happiness is if everyone is content and happy. is not the experience of happyyiness based upon seeing others as non content?

    So if everyone was happy, there ironically would be no happyness as we would not know how to recognize it.

  4. How right you are as once stated by an Ancient Greek philosopher the greater good for humans is HAPPINESS but happiness does not require the stress of modern society and the need to work like dogs and pay the majority of your earnings back to the government and local authorities.

    I would live in a cave tomorrow given the chance but there are not enough to go round

  5. You know what? If everybody were to be content, everything would have to be equal. Race would have to be equalized, so would religion, brains, know, so nobody would feel "left out" or "better than some".

    That would suck.

  6. your right, a big city that has all things common could be happy, its only when somebody gets something different that things start getting out of hand.

  7. if everyone was happy there would be no chaos and without chaos there would be no advances in life. people need problems and chaos to advance in life because without something to improve or something to go wrong there would never be any reason for people to advance.

    im not saying that i want everyone to be unhappy but we honestly need things to go wrong so that things can get better and we can advance.

    also like someone else said if everyone was happy then there would be no happiness.

    i can go forever on this subject so i wont bore you but if you want to know more about what i think let me know

  8. We are all born with contentment and happiness, that is until life brainwashes us to believe otherwise.

  9. It's hardly a secret.  Everyone strives to be happy.

    True happiness lies within.  This means taking the bad and the good from everyone and everything.

  10. Albeit we weren't necessarily living in caves - I think the answer to this is yes.

    And let's face it - what is 'success' - the pursuit of excellence that we are following is still a process of looking for that elusive success - to be happy - that thing that - certainly in cities - so many cannot find.

    Like thousands of years ago we still only seek key basics, food, shelter, love. We just do it now in more sophisticated ways, and often in ways that do not end in people being happy.

    I don't think that there any co-incidence in the fact that there is very little in the way of mental health issues in African villages. Fact: Happiness is about maintenance not development. Maintaining good relations, maintaining good emotional, psychological and physical health. Development is about change, and the new and the unfamiliar. We like to talk about brave new worlds, and such concepts sound very worthy. But if you want happy people, you can keep the world the same for a thousand years and achieve it.

  11. well, our iq's would definately be below standard...haha

    hmmmm...we all need a bit of stress to survive otherwise we'd be vegetables with legs.

  12. hola!

  13. i don't know about the caveman thing but yes its only when your truly happy that life seems right. i guess everybody finds happiness at different stages in their life, and its probably the search for happiness that makes you buy into illusions and society's and consequently the media's painted veil.

  14. hi sar, the way i see it ,that humans could,nt be happy even if they lived in paradise nevermind caves. we will always find things to complain is,nt white ,etc, etc , etc

  15. Success is relative.

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