
If everything on the periodic table is natural to earth can you make runes out of any combination of them?

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  1. Runes are an ancient Germanic alphabet, used for writing, divination and magick. They were used throughout northern Europe, Scandinavia, the British Isles, and Iceland from about 100 B.C.E. to 1600 C.E. Runic inscriptions of great age have even been found in North America, supporting stories that the Vikings arrived in the Americas long before Columbus.

    Below is more than I would ever want to know about runes. I suppose you wanted to know about which material to use to make rune stones from (marker stones). I would use granite, because it is so pretty ... or alabaster, because it reminds me of "America The Beautiful ".

    Try to avoid radioactive material in your runes or the department of atomic energy may bust your running around them whilst chanting "black magic spells".

    You already know I'm not a believer is this stuff ....

  2. Wouldn't that be considered 'Alchemy'. The creating of somthing from nothing.

  3. Well, there are some difficulties.  Most elements exist in forms that are impossible to make into runes.  For example, there is sodium and calcium, which are highly reactive, and are almost impossible to find in their pure form in nature.  Also, gases and liquids are obviously nixed.  Then, there are elements like carbon, which would be easily found in traditional rune materials such as wood.  

    It should be noted, just because something is an element does not mean it exists in its pure form in nature, or is even natural at all - many elements are synthesized.

    Your best bet for an alternative rune material, that IS natural, is to use a stable metal.  Many of the elements labeled in purple on the chart you linked are stable metals.  ie. Gold, silver, copper, nickel.  Obviously, going down this route could be pretty expensive.

    My recommendation? You could make the runes out of some traditional, inexpensive material (ie, carve the symbols into clay), and then cover them with gold or silver, or copper leaf, which is not TOO expensive.


    I'm pretty sure you can make runes out of what you mentioned.  It's the symbols that are important, and the process of randomly drawing them to read.  I think people only make them out of natural materials because its nice.

  4. Be sure to try a combination of plutonium and uranium 232.

    Also combine Hydrogen, Sulpher, and Oxygen in H2SO4.

  5. Everything above Uranium is NOT of the Earth, ie. NOT found in nature but rather are man-made elements and not valid to use as runes. Also I believe that what was intended is not stuff made from the plante Earth but rather material governed by the Elemental Earth, such as wood, bone, raw native metals, stones and the like. Although I have seen some beautiful runes made from shells and pearls which are governed by Elemental Water.

    If you DO decide to make your runes from something above Uranium then I would suggest that you work very quickly as most of those elements only exist for less than a hundredth of a second.. LOL

    Brightest Blessings,

    Raji the Green Witch

  6. MMMMMmmmm...I love macaroones!.....I don't know if you can make them out of just anything though....

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