
If everything we do in life is a risk, then why are there such ideas as "poor decisions" & "consequences"?

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If everything we do in life is a risk, then why are there such ideas as "poor decisions" & "consequences"?




  1. because the human race loves making up phrases and words and making everything "different"  

  2. Because life is about taking risks and facing the consequences that some people may think that are bad or may think that are good. It's common sense to make the right kind of risks and stay away from the bad kind like drugs and stuff.

  3. Although logically, it's impossible to prove, some actions have a grater chance of having a negative out come then others.

  4. Rational methods lower the risk of "consequences" by managing the number of invalid answers you have from which to choose.

    Taking a "leap of faith" when you don't know what choice to make greatly increases your chance of a consequence, and when the choice is 50/50, taking that leap is a very "poor decision."

  5. ooo...interesting question!

    i think they're considered poor decisions and consequences when the results are immediately and/or obviously bad.

    i think what makes poor decisions and consequences exist, is the fact that we have choices.

    we choose to drive, which is a risk, but we can also make the stupid choice of driving drunk.

    or say there's a train and you really need to get to the other side, we can choose to be smart and wait it out, or we can choose to run under, across, or through the train to get the other side at the high risk of losing a few limbs.

  6. Because not everything is equally risky.

    People consider the degree of risk versus the possible benefit.  We consider something to be a poor decision if the risk outweighs the benefit, especially if it's very risky (i.e., dangerous).

  7. i know this is kind of a silly comparison but you know that game mah jong.

    well in that game if you make poor decisions, eventually you have no options left... just a bunch of single chips all over the board.

    if you make the right decisions you clear all the chips and claim you victory.

    i don't know, i think it's a valid comparison.  

  8. If no one ever made a poor decision then what would be the risk. sometimes you have to go out on a limb and take a chance. and then there are people who are just stupid who make bad decisions.

    Every action you make has consequences, whether they are good or bad. everything has a cause and effect. look at anything good that has ever happened to you know look at the causes that let up to it. every decision you make leads up to it. if you win the lottery, you made the decision to buy that exact ticket at that time.  but at the same time you could just be out of a dollar.  

  9. Well  there is difference between deciding to cross the road on a  residential street without looking and trying to cross a Major highway on foot during rush hour

    There is a risk in both but the later is differently a poor decision

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