
If evolution is a fact then what would be the next physical attribute added to humans?

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If evolution is a fact then what would be the next physical attribute added to humans?




  1. Probably religious faith.  Evolution works because creatures with certain characteristics are more likely to pass those characteristics on to future generations.  Smart, well-educated people, and atheists, generally have fewer children than more "average" folks, and religious people in general seem to be having more kids on average.  So, these folks are actually more "fit", by Darwin's standards, assuming that those kids all go on to reproduce as well.  

    I'd like to add that I am not trying to be insulting - I'm a Mensa member, DH and I went to Grad school, and we currently have 3 kids together (and hope to have 6 total).  So clearly, it's not quite so cut-and-dried.  But I do maintain that the next attribute is *not* going to be more intelligence, as average intelligence doesn't really keep folks from being able to succesfully reproduce.  The trait has to be something that helps increase a group's survival overall.

  2. evolution is a continuous change that happens in such small ways that normally you never see them.  Evolution never stops. how you see the changes is in comparison of the past. say 100 or 200 years ago. look how man has changed even in the past 30 years kids today at p*****n already their bodies have developed faster then they did 30 years earlier. They are bigger and stronger and faster. back 30 years ago it was not common to see a 6 foot 13 year old and today is more common then not.

    Don't confuse evolution with atheist rumors as many do. all this science stuff about evolution and the big bang theory was introduced by Roman Catholic Priest and Christians which none of it dismisses creation but adds to it.

  3. Not so much added as diminished. I think I understand what you mean with your question... I had a similar discussion with one of my former professors. We concluded that physically, humans would probably end up loosing all their body hair and pinkie toes, and develop disproportionally large head to our bodies which more than likely would also make us slightly hunched over with very muscular necks. Don't take this overly seriously; this conversation was over whiskey ;).

  4. Your question shows you don't understand how evolution works. It is not a force adding things to organisms. It is how organisms change through mutation and selective pressure.

  5. I have wondered that myself.

    First, there is the question of whether of not the human species will even

    survive past 2100, considering the problems of overpopulation, global

    warming, a looming oil shortage, and Iran and North Korea developing

    weapons of mass destruction.

    Currently, from what I can tell, we are in a state of evolutionary stagnation

    and decay. We might pull ourselves out of it, or we might not. If we do not,

    then we will become uglier, fatter, dumber, and more fanatical. If we do

    pull ouselves out of it, then the opposite will occur. Perhaps only time will

    tell which way the scales tip.

    Genetic decay is caused by socialism, foreign aid, permissive immigration

    policies, nanny state policies, and a general lack of freedom and autonomy.

    Those problems are in turn caused by the people that desire to cause human

    genetic decay by blinding themself to the fundamental logical truth that

    different entities are not necessarily equivalent. The sensation of disrupting

    that fundamental logical truth is a sensation of crude blind seeping oneness.

    Many of such people are here on yahoo answers, such as the people that

    gave negative ratings to my answer and the one above me.

  6. It's pretty clear you don't understand evolution.

  7. If?  

    I'm hoping for those gigantic brains.

  8. Something having to do with using more of our minds.

  9. after reading all these answers, i believe that only one has the correct answer to your question.....first i don't think that there is going to be a physical attribute but more of the same .... namely, larger and smarter...just look at the last one hundred, very few people were over 6 feet tall, in the 1950 normal meant 5 feet 8 inches i believe its close to that 6 foot range... and getting smarter all you have to do is look around at the way we live now as compared to yesteryear's.  now the question is will we live longer enough to think of ways not to kill each other off.

  10. the one they dont have now!

  11. Your question is ill posed. Evolution by natural selection does not " add " things to organisms, but must modify the material at hand.

  12. The capacity to think of really worthless questions.

  13. If you understood evolution, you'd know this question was nonsense.

    I'm sorry.

  14. Actually, as a genus we've started devolving.

    Gradually, our civilization has evolved far enough that we are no longer shaped by our environment, but rather we shape our environment to suit us. As a result, the marginal elements (marginally intelligent, marginally healthy) of our species get a chance to reproduce and spread their mediocrity.

    Nature usually finds a way, eventually, to intervene through some sort of cataclysmic event. If/when that happens, and it throw our civilization into great enough disarray, we might need to adapt to our new reality in some way, in which case we'll start evolving again.

  15. humanity will evolve the ability to emit pulsed infra-red beams from their eyes so they can control electronic devices like TV. the evolutionary imperative for this is that people who are constantly loosing the remote suffer from stress and die younger and produce less offspring. at the moment this ability is only in its embryonic stages and the people who possess it just set off car alarms at the moment.

  16. I think most of the changes will take place in the brain.  We only use 10% of it now.  What will happen when we actually tap in to the other 90%?  Maybe some of the psychics already have.

  17. I agree with the answers given before me about evolution manifested as a mutation and not by "adding things", but I want to add that physical human evolution had pretty much ceased in the last 40,000 years or so. the evolution today is of societies and cultures, norms and values, technology and philosophy, enabling some social groups to cope better with present day reality than others and forcing other cultures to change and evolve too. the pysical attributes of the people making up these societies stay pretty much the same and had stayed the same for a long time now.

    in a comic and very theoratic view though, I could try to guess that maybe in a very long time our brains would grow and we would look more like aliens are often depicted in movies, with big heads and slim feeble bodies. but more likely that our brains would be taken out of our bodies and put in a jar before that would happen (alla Matrix)

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