
If evolution is still happening, why don't we see humans emerge from the forest...?

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as the existing monkeys finally complete their evolution into humans? I would expect these humans to come to our towns and start doing human activities.. unless a) evolution isn't true, or b) they evolve into something else. So is this happening anywhere?




  1. Humans have emerged from the forests, they don't need to keep doing so in little amounts.

  2. Once more. Why are their different clothes for males and females? Why aren't men dressing more and more like women? Why when you buy new clothers are there still old clothes in the closet?

    Some 6-8 million years ago there was a common ancestor to what is today apes and man. The two groups went their separate ways. Humans down one path of evolving and apes down another.

    "as the existing monkeys finally complete their evolution into humans" Oh dear. First it's apes that are our cousins. Monkeys are even further from humans then apes. Second, apes would have to backtrack in their evolution 6-8 million years before they could start evolving towards humans. You know, the path bit? There's not a shortcut that would allow them to jump into human.

    Apes are evolving. They are in a ecological niche that they are quite well adapted to. Toss a population into a non jungle, isolated enviorment and their evolution would likely speed up. However, they still would not end up human.

  3. I thought human evolution takes place in stages.

  4. I don't think you quite understand how evolution works.

    It isn't that humans used to be chimpanzees, it's that both species came from a common ancestor. At some point, millions of years ago, the species split. Some went in one direction (genetically speaking), some went in another. So modern chimpanzees will never evolve into humans, as they have already evolved down a separate path.

    On top of that, we didn't just go from monkey to human in one generation. Unless you are starting to see homo habilis specimens out in the jungle, I wouldn't worry about seeing any actual humans emerge anytime soon. (That part was a joke.)

    I am really simplifying this and dumbing it down. If you basically understand what I'm saying, you should look it up and do some reading of your own. Even if you don't believe in evolution, it's always a good idea to educate yourself on the opposing viewpoints so that you can properly argue them.

  5. Evolution takes place over a period of time, thousands of years may only have minor changes, but you will never see anything new in your life time.

  6. before you people post questions like this, at least bother to do some homework. Just the wording of your question is flawed, as you have no idea what evolution is.

  7. The existing monkeys, and apes are just as evolved as us,  they just evolved in a different way.  I think you really need to do more research on this subject as you obviously know nothing about it.

  8. We broke away from the forests, and evolved differently than our great ape cousins.  Looks at some of the people in New Guinea, look at the Kung! Bushmen, and the Aboriginal Australians for more basic human traditions.

  9. If two thirds of the people that don't believe in Evolution read into it and studied it, they would understand it is true. It's not a belief, its a scientific process that is known to be true. And I can't stand the mis-assumption that you can't believe in God and believe in evolution. Most people who go into science and evolution tighten their belief because in the end it only supports greater that he exists. But I'll set that raging controversy aside...

    What happens in evolution is that over eons, certain species change into other species, that are supposedly better suited for exsitance. That is an extremely brief overview, and is probably the extent of most people's education in Evolution, which is why some people are so ignorantly against Evolution.  Let me explain a little more. These species don't actually morph. Over time, the environment changes and the species adapts. One way evolution can happen is this way: One animal in the species is born with a "defect" or something basically really weird, like no long legs or no tail. Lets say the environment has changed so that there is less and less food on the bottom of trees, so this species (I'm making a name up as an example) the Quaple, which has short legs, can only eat the food on the bottom of the trees and not on the top. Anyway, one Quaple is born with long legs (because obviously, there is a long-legged recessive gene somewhere in the Quaples DNA, its just really rare) Nearly all the Quaples with short legs die except the defective Quaple. This Quaple mates and that gene is passed on. Every Quaple that happens to have long legs, by defect, ends up living. Over an extremely long period of time, the Long-legged gene becomes more and more common, eventually (over billions of years) the Quaples develop long legs.

    That is a basic explanation of Evolution.

    Obviously, when the environment changes rapidly, like it is now with..gasp!.. Global Warming, animals don't have the eons to evolve and end up dying out. That's why its important to preserve our environment.

    So about the monkeys. Do you understand a little more how we evolved from monkeys? It makes perfect sense. Their DNA is shockingly similar. But it took a loooong time for these monkeys to evolve into humans. There aren't any monkeys turning into humans before our eyes. And I'm not a science expert,  (or even out of High School) but I suspect that these monkeys are evolving, but we're not going to see it. Maybe if we are still around in a million years, and have fossils from 2008, we will see that monkeys once had tails. But in the year 1,002,008 no one will know that monkeys once had tails, much less looks like they do now. It will seem normal to use that monkeys look so much more similar to us.

    Okay, so that was an amateur and short version of the explaination, but can you see it a bit now? Go to a couple classes in evolution to learn more. If you understand it, and learn some more basic grade level science, you'll understand it better, and no, it shouldn't contradict any of your beliefs if you just accept it, and be patient to fully understand science.

  10. Why? Because evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms.  It is not progressive, directional and has no goal on mind.

    Monkeys are well adapted to their environment and populations evolve, not individuals.

    Until you can understand the basics, your questions will remain this ill posed.

    No, you misunderstand; completely. Go here. ( click on evolution )


    This is an absolutley wonderful website to go to for stuff like this. Just download the different movies. Dinosaurs and the Bible is my personal favorite.

    Proof Evolution is a lie:

    1. The slowing spin of the earth limits the earth's age

    2. The 1/2 inch layer of cosmic dust on the moon indicates the moon has not been accumulating dust for billions of years

    3. Jupiter's moon, Io, is losing matter to Jupiter. It cannot be billions of years old

    4. The shrinking sun limits the earth-sun relationship to fewer than billions of years. The sun is losing both mass and diameter. Changing the mass would upset the fine gravitational balance that keeps the earth at just the right distance for life to survive

    5. The oldest known historical records are less than 6,000 years old

    6. The oldest living coral reef is less than 4,200 years old (Couldn't be 6,000 because The Flood would have destroyed it)

    7. Biblical dates add up to about 6,000 years

    8. The oceans are getting saltier. If they were billions of years old, they would be much saltier than they are now

    9. The existance of short-period comets indicates the universe is less than billions of years old

    10. At the rate many star clusters are expanding, they could not have been traveling for billions of years

    This also is another good website.

  12. By the way you ask your question, it is clear you do not understand evolution. By asking this you are only showing your lack of education and intelligence. Go to your library and read a textbook, it will answer your question.

  13. Evolution is behind us.   We will not see things change as we did in the past millions of years.  That is the phallacy about evolution.  (lots of info on line and in psychology books)

  14. do some research on the galapogos turtles... they probablly never taught you that in your bubble...


    your still not understanding what your talking about

  15. B.

    the monkeys do not evolve into humans, they evolve into better monkeys (i.e. something else).

    yes, this is happening everywhere; everything is evolving into better forms of themselves.

    no, there will be no spontaneous humans from monkeys--that's not how evolution works. (furthermore, chimps have more diversity than inacutallity, they are more evolved than

  16. Even minute changes can take eons to show. As to people coming out of the forest, In some of the remote Amazon there are tribes being discovered all the time that still live in the "Stone Age".........

  17. Monkeys would evolve into something else. We are the only biped that evolved what is refer-ed to as sentience. We didn't evolve from monkeys, we didn't even evolve from apes. We evolved from a forest dwelling biped called homopithicus. It is believed that chimpanzees are also from the same tree. But these separate branches occurred over the course of a few million years. In an over view, the human race has seen other "monkeys", one is the Neanderthal. The Neanderthal did do some "human" things. Made tools, cared for their sick, and lived in tribes. They coexisted with us for a time, then died off. Perhaps God realized this would s***w up his story of Genesis so he killed them all ... just a thought.

  18. This is very good!

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