
If evolution is true, why are primates not evolving into humans today?

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If evolution is true, why are primates not evolving into humans today?




  1. what makes you think they are not? how do you know in 10,000 years other primates might heve evolved to be the dominant species?

  2. I do not believe in evolution either.

    asta la vista.

  3. Cause it is not true. If we evolved from them they would be gone from this earth and we would be them without all the fur and weird screeching. Have you ever heard a monkey speak words? Nope, cause they can not speak. Never. You don't really want to be part monkey anyhow, do you? God designed you with alot more detail and a highly intelligent mind able to choose right from wrong. Bask in that wonderful Truth of creation! I am content with that.


  4. dear jay m

    evalution is a slow process and it cant be seen in one human life span it will take atleast so so so so many years for an evalutio

  5. I'm taking a page from Religion & Spirituality :


  6. All fine opinions; yet there seems to be one factor missing.

    Humans have been consuming them for food, fur, amusement, medical experiments, shrunken heads, and so forth.

    A declining population can only lose its genetic diversity - that does not give a chance for random traits to accumulate and recombine till one good set of genes can emerge.

  7. This question has been asked over and over and over and over . Instead of going into a long explanation , I'm just going to say , do a little study of evolution . Knowledge won't hurt you at all . Try it .

  8. 1.) Evolution takes a very long time

    2.) There is no "end point" in evolution - if the did evolve, it would be to humans necassarily. It's just chance we evolved the way we did.

    3.) There must be evolutionary pressures (Primates are well evolved for their niche, our ancestors were not) Primates are perfectly well evolved for the niche as it exists at the monet (human-caused changed toi the environment are too rapid for evolution to cause adaptions as of yet)

  9. OK, either you are ignorant, a troll, or both.

    Humans are primates, therefore primates have evolved into humans.

    Humans and other primates have a common ancestor, the protoape. Humans, chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorrillas all evolved from the same protoape ancestor species, differentiating at different times in the past.

    It is not "humans evolved from monkeys and apes", but rather "humans, monkeys, and apes are all primates who have evolved from common ancestors".

    All primates are still evolving, but evolution is a slow process that takes thousands and millions of years.

  10. There are so many reasons.  Just a few simple ones:

    - Evolution doesn't really mean that things evolve to an "end".

    - An ape is better suited for its environment than a human would be.

    -Some change in a group of apes' environment millions of years ago caused them to "split off of the tree", and begin the long journey to becoming human.  Mutations and adaptations that once would have hindered that group of apes from reproducing began to make them MORE likely to reproduce and survive.    

    Humans and apes coexist for the same reasons that humans and mice coexist.  All mammals came from a common ancestor.  Humans found their niche, and mice have found theirs.  If organisms and their more evolved "cousins" couldn't coexist then, with that logic taken to the extreme, only one species of living thing would exist today.

  11. who says they aren't? and who is to say human is the ultimate goal of evolution, everything and everybody is evolving everyday just like yesterday and just like a million years ago............tom

  12. hmmm according to the natural scientists.. we are at what? 500,000,000 years and counting? ok here goes 500,000,000 and 1 second... 500,000,000 and 2 seconds... 500,000,000 and 3 seconds.. anything evolved yet? :) ok i waiting long enough... :) 500,000,000 years  and nothing evolves in the past 14,000 years AT ALL what a joke. you crazy evolutionists would have me counting from 14,000 years ago to today saying "WAIT it's going to happen just wait!"

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