
If evolution is true, why can't we create life in a lab?

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People say that the first living cell came together by chance in the primordial Earth.

But why can't we make a cell if we re-create these conditions? Create an artificial 'sea' filled with the building blocks of what it takes to make a cell (lipids, RNA, etc.).

Why won't the cell form?




  1. Evolution does not deal with the origin of life. Two different subjects. I agree though, that the one makes you think of the other.

  2. We can create amino acids which are the building blocks of all life.

  3. We're almost there...give it another 5 years.......let me find links.  There have been some amazing advances in the last 2 years:,2933,2998...

    It WILL happen.

  4. Because humans didn't create life; God did.

  5. Evolution does not comment on the origins of life and it has been replicated in a lab.

    You might get along better if you stopped confusing your scientific theories.

  6. evolution is not abiogenesis... learn the difference

  7. You're actually refering to abiogenesis, not evolution. Evolution explains how life changes over time, not how life originally came into being. Abiogenesis is not a scientific theory, it is a hypothesis and is not taught in (most) public schools. Evolution is taught because it has been proven to the point where it can be considered a scientific theory.

  8. Evolution is demonstrably true based on evidence. I believe it's just a matter of time before those conditions are created. It's an incredible idea. The moment the inanimate becomes animate! A major 'Wow' moment.

  9. Life CAN be created in a lab. Test tube baby.  

  10. We have already created artificial viruses in the lab. Cells aren't as far off as you'd like them to be, because once we do create artificial life, there goeth thine entire argument, eh?

  11. They have. But here's the problem. Scientists made the environment for it to happen. Which puts intelligence behind the experiment. Oooops, intelligent design.

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