
If evolution of apes is truE, why are the present apes today are not changing into human for a very long time?

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in this present time, there were apes. And other says that, we are from apes according to the biological theory of evolution. but if it is true, why are some apes we see today are not evolving into human?? or let we say, we came from gorillas, if it is true, then, why are some gorillas in other parts of the country are not changing themselves into human?? For a very long period of time that we see them, why do they remain at what they are,.. why do they remain as being gorillas and not as human.?? please give me the best answer.. or you may either correct my sayings if you find it wrong,.. thanks..




  1. i think there could only be one answer to this question: the evolution of man from apes is FALSE. that's the only way i see it..

    and do you even consider yourself evolving from apes??

  2. we dont come from modern apes. we just share a common ancestor. and evolution is not linear, its not a straight path leading to something. gorillas arent evolving to humans any more than humans are evolving to gorillas.  humans are not more evolved than gorillas, tigers, dogs, fish, bacteria, or grass. none of them are more evolved than us either. its just logistics, favored genes for body types got to make more of themselves, the unfavored ones disappeared.

  3. Evolution on that scale takes a long, long time my friend.  Much longer than you are imagining.

    And who is to say we have come from gorillas and apes we see now?

  4. There are a number of reasons why this is not the case.

    Firstly, a common misconception about evolution is that it works towards making living organisms "better" or more advanced. This is not the case. Evolution only works to make things better suited to their environment, nothing more, nothing less. If becoming better suited to the environment means becoming less complex then that is what will happen. Over a very long period of time of course.

    Secondly, humans did not evolve from apes as we know them. Humans and modern apes both evolved from a common ancestor many millions of years ago. At some point, that common ancestor somehow got split into 2 distinct groups with different evolutionary pressures placed upon them and each evolved to better suit their respective environments. One group turned into modern apes because that was the best way to adapt to their environment while the other group turned into humans because that was the best way to become suited to their environment. It's all about how best to adapt to the environment.

    Thirdly, humans only live 80 to 100 years and human recorded history is only a few thousand years old. Evolution occurs over a very long period of time, tens of thousands of years at least. This is the reason why you don't usually see evolution occurring before your eyes. The process is just too slow. There are some conditions under which evolution is visible though, this is in organisms that have very short generations such as bacteria and some insects. Scientists have observed evolution in bacteria (genetic resistance to certain antibiotics for example) because they have such a short reproductive rate (a matter of hours) that the process is observable. However, with something like a Gorilla which has a life span of something like 60 years, it would take tens of thousands of years at least to see any sort of change. Also there would need to be a reason for the gorillas to change (i.e. some sort of change in the environment that would require a genetic change in order for it to adapt).

    Many animals, the crocodile for example, are often called "living fossils" by biologists because they have remained essentially unchanged for millions of years. This is because they are very well suited to their environment and because their environment has remained unchanged for millions of years. With no evolutionary pressure on them to change, they have remained almost exactly as they were millions of years ago.

    So, to answer your question, this is why you don't see gorillas don't evolve into humans.

    Hope this helps.


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