
If experience is as important to Republicans and Conservatives ?

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as they are saying it is, why didn't they vote for Gore in 2000?




  1. Only if it's on FOX NEWS

  2. Because he's an incompetent boob.  And a liar too.  And he's a colossal jackass with no redeeming leadership ability.

  3. It's only important if it can be used as a weapon against the opponent.  Nobody said of George Bush "He's driven three companies into the ground.  He's only a two time governor, one of which he spent running for President.  He's never served in combat."  And if he were running again, they'd have to come up with a different weapon against Obama.  And the Democrats would do the same thing if the situation were reversed.  It is up to the voters to determine whether the claims of "inexperience" are valid or just more anti-candidate propaganda that makes a convenient dartboard.

  4. ain't he a demoncrat?  because bush is the better man.

  5. umm, maybe 'cuz he's a Democrat?

  6. Because, as far as experience is concerned, Bush had more appropriate experience as a Governor. The jobs are more closely related.

  7. They can only do as Rush tells them to do.

  8. ...and why did they vote for W???

  9.   A governor is actually closer to the job description of a president than a senator.  

  10. Because President Bush had more experience.  What about 2 term governor of the largest state in the lower 48 has you so confused?  

  11. Gore had NO foriegn policy experience. He wants to save ice caps, not mankind.

  12. I did, and I am a Conservative Republican.

  13. i agree with you that gore was a better candidate for president than george w bush. but this time around, i'm supporting mccain because he is the best candidate out there running for president.  

  14. Because we thought Gore was an idiot all along during the Clinton years...  Just like you libtards thought Dan Quayle was an idiot...  He may not have been, but that was our impression at the time...

    And frankly, years later we've learned the Quayle was actually pretty smart and Gore is more looney than we first believed...

  15. Same reason military experience was important to dems in 2004 but now it means nothing

  16. "Because President Bush had more experience. What about 2 term governor of the largest state in the lower 48 has you so confused? "

    He served 5 years...barely enough to count as a 2 term governer. and the governership of texas is pretty much a ceremonial has very little power. So it doesn't prepare you for anything. Al gore was on the heels of a president who people liked personally but thought was a very poor president,al gore is also very dull.

  17. Another prerequisite is sanity... Not to mention his Leftist Control Freak Policies..

  18. Experience per se is not an issue. Obama may have less experience in foreign policy then McCain, but McCain has always promulgated and pushed for warlike aggressive policies.The Republicans are also hypocritical about labeling people but it won't work this time

  19. If experience really matters, then what experience is it?  The experience of POW with torture included, or the experience of screaming and yelling at those who disagree with him on the senate floor(sometimes to the point of passing out), the experience of wealth which really only tunes you out of touch with the average American, or maybe the experience of lying and cheating?  If that's the experience that matters, then i can only say that we all are going to be in for a rude awakening.  Because experience is when I lived abroad and dealt with other cultures and religions.  The rest that's needed is common sense and a practical approach of things, and I really think that there is a candidate out there who got those experiences and the down to earch approach of things....

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