
If eyes are the gateway to my soul what do u think of mine (Pic) ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Gray eyes? Not very attractive for me, an Asian, but can be for Westerners?

  2. this is a bad pic but there really really pretty blue

  3. PLUCK YOUR EYEBROWS ASAP!!! 2 Much Hair Not Attractive!



  5. they are pretty but the soul thing isnt true

  6. the 1st thing that popped into my mind was -- woahh♥  

  7. color is pretty

    but the eye itself is scary!

  8. its an eye, and its blue.

  9. Well you are definitely not smiling in the picture.  Your eyes seem to be a bit sad, but strong with purpose.  You don't seem to smile often though.

    The thing is that the eyes are the gateway to the soul,  but it doesn't work like that .  What it means is that the eyes always behold the truth of your feelings, so that whatever you portray on the outside, the eyes always show what you feel deep down inside.

  10. they're blue...

  11. your soul is ginger lol

  12. nice almnd shape eyes!!

  13. hairy..never zoom your eye picture that scared me for a minute.

  14. Well, they're very, very, very large. You must be what - 12 feet tall?

    Seriously, they are very eye-like. They bring to mind a person with no PC ... a person with a lot of time on her hands... Wait! I'm getting a message from the other side. End... my... answer... now.

  15. ginger..

  16. I think you have way too much time on your hands photographing your eyeball.  You are afraid that people might know your true intent by looking into your eyes.  

  17. First thing I saw was very calm person....very mute, very quiet, very reseverd. But then I also see a great understanding, almost a psychic like brain....

    p.s.: Break out of your shell!

  18. My intuition tells me that I can not read from photoshopped eyes.

  19. Dear, you're an angel. Every cell that forms that eye is perfect.  

  20. You are an Elven Warrior.

    You have seen some things, witnessed events that you would rather not have.

    You are strong.

    You are compassionate.

    Your only obstacle is yourself.

  21. dunno


  23. Pisces.

  24. Your eyes are beautiful.

    Reminds me of waking up in the morning..Looking outside and looking at the beautiful sky.

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