
If family matters of candidates should not be taken into consideration, why is Palin going out of her way...?

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0 LIKES UnLike point out that the father of Bristol's child is going to marry her? Why is that of any importance to anybody AND why does she keep waving it in our face like it's the right thing to do. I'm sorry but, marrying the father of your b*****d child isn't ALWAYS the RIGHT thing to do (especially when you're just a child yourself).

The thing that is ALWAYS the right thing to do is for the father to pony up child support.




  1. If, as you say, its not of importance to anybody, why do you care?

  2. Because it's a good idea to force two kids to marry.  I mean they've probably known each other for months now.  And I'm sure they've talked about what they want in life.

    ...or you're just trying to save face because your crappy idea of teaching abstinence instead of safe s*x blew up in your face.  blew up like a prego belly.

  3. To cover up that they are sh8t at parenting.

    They will use "Levi" the potential DAD as the show horse.

    His parents wants nothing to do with this process, why?

    I really feel that this is a double standard. Period end of story.

    They preach one thing, then 10 seconds later they change the rules.

  4. She thinks by saying they are going to get married that it somehow looks better in people's eyes.  Why would two 17 year olds with no education and no jobs get married?  Are they both going to live in Washington if the repubs win?  And if they want to keep thier daughter's personal life private then why is the baby's father going to the RNC tonight?  Makes no sense.  They want to be in the public eye without the public asking questions about them. I don't get it.

  5. Because if she doesn't then the media will drag it out... like they already HAVE done.  When you have people pointing at you and running their mouths about you that can possibly ruin your career - you have to have an explaination otherwise people will continue to assume things that may or may not be the truth.

    It isn't important that her daughter is pregnant.  She is 17 and nearly legal.  She isn't 13 years old and people are over reacting.  I'm so sick of these people on here who act like they know everything... especially in "politics" because in reality we DON'T know the situation... we only know what has been let out of the bag and you know that anything ever told from the mouth is NEVER every bit of the truth.  I agree with you that marrying someone because you are pregnant with their child isn't always the smartest or right thing to do.  It's a situation to situation thing.  Also, Palin can't make her daughter have her baby.  I think it is a good thing that she is owning up to her actions (and that doesnt' mean it was a mistake either).  The media likes to make any and all situations seem to be black and white, right or wrong... and that isnt' how real life is.  There are emotions attached to the pregnancy thing that we don't have the media to cover.  She should be criticised for her ability to be the vice president NOT criticized for her daughter's actions.  And for the person who said it is to cover up her bad parenting skills... You can raise your child to do the right thing and make good choices and be a good person but that doesn't mean that the child will follow those teachings.  You can be the perfect parent... but kids have a mind of their own especially during the teenage years.  You can blame your parents for a lot of things but you have to own up to your own actions... just because this girl hasn't reached legal age doesn't mean that her decisions are her parents fault.  Perhaps you have never had children?

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