
If fast food had a warning on it like cigarettes would the same amount of people consume it?

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Meaning if it had how many calories, sugar or even how it would effect your body. Would people still want to eat it or even drink it? Or even where it came from? In the current events of contaminated food and water would you take the plunge and start making your own food and kick the habit why or why not? ( I would kick the habit and buy a green house of buy local food.) lol, I already buy veg and fruits locally:)




  1. yes

  2. Yes they would!

    Its obvious enough that fast food is bad for us...what more do people need? A sticker or label tagged on every burger and every single french-fry that goes into your mouth...a soft drink cup with a prerecorded message...

    I hate the fact that people want/need warning labels for everything in life (especially in the offense)..

    I mean come on!! Do you really need a warning label on your coffee cup telling you that its "HOT"!!! DUH!

    Meantime, I commend you for supporting your local produce :-)  

  3. Yelp because alot of people are hooked on fast foods...

  4. They still would.  People know the risks....


  6. Some fast food places (McDonald's, for one) already show the nutrition content of the different things on their menus, and yet people still buy them. It's like with cigarettes: Most people know what they're doing to their body, but they do it anyway. (That's usually because of addiction, but I'm not saying you can't be addicted to food, because you can be.)

    I try not to eat it often, but I do indulge occasionally. I'm a vegetarian, so the most I can usually eat are desserts and french fries, lol.

    I bet some people might change, but most might continue eating it anyway.

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