
If fat people are so sad, why dont they lose the weight?

by  |  earlier

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Most of them just eat and cry.




  1. I hate to burst your bubble but there are a many diferent reasons someone could be over weight. One being they have a illness, eg thyroid disease, or it could be medication they are on. Aging or Pregnacy,can also be another factor.

    the thing is once someone has gained a large amount of weight if it be 5lbs to 100lbs its not so easy to lose and reshape the body.

    So instead of putting someone down try encouraging or even becoming an active part in helping that person lose weight.

  2. Some people are NOT fat becasue they choose to be. Some have thyroid conditions, some have diabetes, and others have problems with cortisol production or hormones.

    Wouldn't you be sad if you couldn't do anything to help yourself get thin? That you were at the mercy of a disease or condition and that so many people make you feel bad about something you have no control over????

    Any one of us can end up being fat one day. Many heavy people were once thin.

  3. Obviously you dont understand how hard it is to lose weight.  Its not just like a person can exercise for a week and then be skinny.  Be grateful that you dont have to worry about what you weigh.  Dont dog people for not losing weight.  

  4. 1)They are a product of today's lazy society.

    2)Eating helps them relieve stress.

  5. Scientists are now discovering that over-weight people seem to have the same chemical addiction to eating as a drug addict has to the drug, so apparently it's not as easy as we'd think.

  6. Because food makes them happy, then they get sad because they are fat, so to make themselves happy again they eat and the vicious circle goes on. It's not that they eat too much its that they eat too much bad food like McDonalds etc...

    If you eat the right food and just walk, you can eat all you want.

    McDonalds = Sugar

    Sugar = Happy

  7. because not all people who are overweight are that way solely because of eating, many have underlying health problems such as hypothyroid, PCOS, slowed metabolism because of genetics or other medications, some have other problems that may limit their mobility thus they are not able to get out and exercise, injury, genetic bone/joint malformations, etc. Do not think for a minute that people who are overweight can always change the way things are, for some, yeah, diet and exercise is all that is required but for many it is just a fact of their life, it is very narrow minded of you to believe that the solution to their problem is so simple when in reality you have no idea what these people's issues are.  

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