
If feminism is for equality, how come women receive a smaller sentence for the same crime?

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Blatant sexism promoted by feminist has ensured this result. For the same crime eg: theft, men will in 19 out of twenty cases go to jail while only one female in twenty will be incarcerated. You say feminism is for equality, where's the equality in that ?




  1. " For the same crime eg: theft, men will in 19 out of twenty cases go to jail while only one female in twenty will be incarcerated. "

    That is so bogus I can't believe you expect to be taken seriously.

  2. As to feminism and equality, I remember the Equal Rights Amendment. When the feminists found out it also included equal responsibility, it was doomed to fail, and it did. I have 3 daughters that are very successful in male oriented fields. When they were little , I encouraged them to excel, and they would say "Daddy I'm Just a little girl." I replied that was just an excuse. ( I was and SOB for a long time) When they entered their career fields they told me they had to do twice as good as their peers , because they were women. They did it and are quite successful.

  3. Feminism is a female supremacy movement not an equal rights movement. Once you accept that fact everything they say and do becomes clearer.

    P.S why would a feminist want equal jail time? They do not want equality.  

            They have spent the last decade lieing and they will spend another hundred years lieing if we let them.

         In the end there hate and lie's will catch up to them.

    Notice how they defend there "perks" with insults and a dismissive gesture?


    Two Girls kidnap 1 year old boy:

    woman breaks into house cops do nothing:

    Female off duty cops assault unarmed man:

    Man falsey accused of rape loses everything and commits suicide, no justice:

    British feminist's policies cause increase in male suicide but the problem is ignored:

    Rape liar from duke scandal still not in jail..

    feminist courts punishing boy that was victim of being raped:,2933,3666... wow only five years for a horrific crime...,2933,3581...

  4. It is because of the types of crimes men and women commit. Men are more likely to commit armed robbery, which will get a longer jail sentence. Women are more likely to commit white collar crimes such as embezzlement, which doesn't carry nearly as stiff a sentence. That has to do with the attitudes of society in general rather than feminism. Many people still don't consider crimes like embezzlement to be nearly as serious as armed robbery even though the non-violent crime is likely to result in the theft of a great deal more money than robbery.

  5. And evidence for this would be...?

    This Bud's for you:

    See also: Crime and Punishment in America

    Despite their very high incarceration rate America still has an unacceptably high rate of crime (including violent crime).  European countries, Japan, Canada, Australia have lower incarceration rates and lower rates of crime.  Why is that?

  6. Nope you are wrong. Women and feminists don't want this, afteral it's not equal. It's brought about by people assuming that women are the weaker s*x and vulnerable. Sentences aren't governed by the public they are by a few people at the top usually men.

  7. Why is it that when Chandler checks out other women, it's so "bad", but when Monica checks out other men, it's funny.

  8. Women are receiving a more lenient sentence than men for the same crime, difference up to 25 months.

    Please refer to the study below, link provided, no restriction for download.

    Feminism for sure is not into equality regarding this issue, despite there are 2 choices: longer sentences for women or shorter sentences for men...



    Do You Receive a Lighter Prison Sentence Because You Are a Woman?

    An Economic Analysis of Federal Criminal Sentencing Guidelines

    The Federal criminal sentencing guidelines struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2005 required that males and females who commit the same crime and have the same prior criminal record be sentenced equally.

    Our results indicate that women receive more lenient sentences even after controlling for circumstances such as the severity of the offense and past criminal history.

  9. Check again, Women Do more Time and harsher sentences for killing men.

  10. Because feminism isn't about equality, it's about more special perks for women, it's about pushing for more special laws and acts that favor women but discriminates against men.

    Female criminals not only received lower sentence for the exact same crime, but they're also much more likely to get away with crimes than male one.

  11. Ask the judges who think women are too soft for what they deserve. Feminism isn't responsible for that kind of sexism.

  12. Study what the feminists here write: they just can't handle long sentences...

  13. Nothing in life is equal it doesn't seem.  You could ask the same question to feminists about abortion.  Feminists are all about men sharing in the responsibilities of raising their children yet they don't want them to have any rights in saying whether that child should be born or not.  

    There's inequality on both sides of that fence and everywhere else you look just about.  It's really kind of depressing.

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