
If fingering okay at thirteen?

by Guest33729  |  earlier

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my cousin is thirteen and her boyfriend is 2 and a half years older than her

they've been going out together for a year now

and are kind of family friends and there parents both know each other

but i don't think there parents know that there going out

i've heard through a few people that his going to finger her soon

but being her older cousin

i don't know wheather to in courage it or not

all they have done is hook up

but maybe it is time for them to move on?

help on this would be greatly appreciated!

thankz [XO]




  1. i have to disagree with the first answer, she will find pleasure in this because i started masturbating at a very young age, i think i was about 7 years old. and little girls and boys find this kind or pleasure at about the age of 4 or 5. its very normal. BUT i would not suggest fingering at her age because she might like it A LOT and she might want to have s*x soon and she is too young for this because her body is not prepared and she can`t really understand what is goin on, she doesn't`t have the informations she needs...

    talk to her and tell her that she is too young and she should wait, i`m sure she will thank you later...

  2. Truthfully, i dont see why not. But she really should slow down. I could understand if they had been in the relationship for awhile, but if they havent they should just not.

  3. Yo cuz iz a strait up s***k yo. Dat b***h gon get preggnint at a reelly eerly aige son. I nocked up mie b***h like arund sixtean and den I dropaded out of schoo arond da same tyme and got a job at micdonalds as da fry guy. The amont of cash I mayke is inkredable. I even got ma own TV!!!!! An-e-wayz be prapared to heer da newz dat she is preggo soon

  4. i know girls (and a fair d**n few of them) that lost their virginity at 11, 12 and 13.

    i didnt do anything at that age, but i went from nothing, to everything is a period of three days. which was way too much for a 15 (nearly 16 stress less) brain to handle. i am VERY mature, so assuming she is only average it would be too much for most people.

    i would've rather had done something little like that to be eased into it.

  5. All "fingering" is, really, is masturbating with someone else's hand, right?

    It's perfectly OK as long as *both* of them really want to do it and as long as they make sure that any fingers that go "down there" are clean first.

    Don't encourage it and don't discourage it either... you wouldn't counsel them on when, how, and whether or not to m********e, would you?  Of course you wouldn't.  It's none of your business.  Neither is how, when or whether they m********e each *other*.

  6. Tell her father.

  7. no not really i mean to a certain level  

  8. i personally think its too early but considering they've been together for a year then perhaps they're ready to move on.  

  9. I have a thirteen year old niece and the thought of her doing something like that with a boy makes me ill. Ok, now that I'm past that....I don't see how any 13 year old can derive pleasure from that sort of thing.  It's not the most comfortable feeling in the world when you're still a virgin. As her older cousin I would tell her to SLOW DOWN!

  10. face it... its going to happen sooner or later. BUT try to tell her to wait it out as long as possible. while fingering isnt too bad, it will most likely lead to oral and s*x which is WAY too much for her!  

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