
If flush my engine at the carwash using the high pressure hose connected to my ear muffs. Can I s***w it up?

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If flush my engine at the carwash using the high pressure hose connected to my ear muffs. Can I s***w it up?




  1. Good way to blow out seals also.

  2. Why bother?  If the backpressue wasn't enough to make water blow out everywhere, which I think would happen, then the only thing I can think of that would occur is that the pressure would push past the impeller into the water gallery, possibly damaging the impeller.  Use garden hose pressure, let the impeller do its' job.

  3. yes, you could push water past the pump seals into the lower unit  and have it mix with the oil. The impeller seals are not designed to handle high pressure.

  4. Check your fluids for bubbles. You have already done the damage if there are bubbles in it.

  5. I Wouldn't reccomend it.

  6. I doubt it, but if the pressure is higher (It has a small nozzle, so the flow volume may be low) the muffs may just leak.

  7. sounds like a really really bad idea.

    what engine?

    if you've ever changed the water pump, then you'll be in a better position than we are to judge its ability to withstand that kind of pressure.

    I wouldn't do it to my outboard.

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