
If foster care is broken and "some" kids are getting help do the others not deserve the same?

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Foster care is luck of the draw you can get a good family or get killed. So the foster care and adoption systems are broken, corrupted by profits, kids are being abused and the government does nuthing. The adoptive parents do nuthing. Foster parents do nuthing, CPS workers (Frauds) do nuthing judges lawyers doctors... do nuthing but collect a paycheck and sit in silence when they know damb well what is going on...

So what do people think some kids deserve to live good lives and others die?

Don't all children deserve a good life? So why is this system in the state it's in and why is no one fixing it? Like government of human rights agencies? And why is it just left to do the harm it does to people? Is the money that good? Do people want children so badly they don't care where they come from?




  1. I think like anything in our world it is not perfect.  Unfortunately we live in a world full of hate, cruelty and selfishness.  It is unfortunate that there is even a need for foster care.  The system is not perfect and mistakes are made but last time I checked that was called life.  Sad thing is we often only hear of the bad cases if only we heard about the success stories.  But that doesn't make for good news so we will continue to hear about the horror stories.

  2. You bring up alot of good points about a system that doesn't have the right people that are interested in improving it. I don't understand why you include adoptive parents in the mix, but you have a reason. I question that because when we adopted our two wonderful children we had to almost go thru h**l to prove ourselves. I now can look back at what took place and be thankful there was a standard in place for my children. The system is not broken, it's a problem of not having the right people working for the rights and good of all the children that have found themselves without the support they need. There are people that get into state and government jobs as well as any jobs that are controlled by both  that I often wonder how they were able to do so. Every part of the system is broken because of the lack of the right people doing a good job. There might be a few people but there are a large number, that are the lazy no good for nothing people that don't care for these children, it's just a job. It makes my blood pressure go up when I hear of a child that has had a problem with the foster care system and nothing was done to correct the problem. Every case worker where a child has lost their life or has been sick and it was known should be removed from the job without receiving anything. There is many reasons given for poor care and treatment, it starts with all the people that are in charge of making certain these children are taken care of that aren't doing their jobs. The idea and reason of needing more people, set a standard that meets the needs and safety of all children in the foster care system. It all comes down to for the love of the children everyone that is part of that system needs to do a better job or move on so someone else your jobs. The judges,lawyers,doctors, and others couldn't collect any money from the system if the people within the system were doing their jobs protecting the children.

  3. I would start out by saying that kids don't deserve to have parents that can't support them financially or emotionally.  It isn't their fault that they ended up in foster care and their parents have yet to do what is needed to get them back.  But focusing on the foster care system, the foster parents, and the others trying to help these children is way off base.  Yes, there are some people that don't do their best by these children, but to throw the entire system leaves these children worse off - with the birth parents abusing, neglecting, or killing them?  I can't think of any agency or government that runs perfectly, they could all use a bit of fixing, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't try to help these kids and parents.  

    Regarding "Do people want children so badly they don't care where they come from?"  You just don't get it.  Every child comes from somewhere and a child is deserving of love no matter where it came from.  

    If you want to do some good, stop complaining and take action to make children's lives better.  Why not become a CPS worker, foster parent, judge, doctor or attorney and see what it is really like from the inside?

  4. Yeah don't worry foster care is perfectly okee dokee.

    Whatever. Foster care is messed.

  5. I agree with the other poster.  all we tend to hear about are the bad stories of foster care and adoption. There are so many, many more good stories. Foster care or adoption can be an extremely good thing for all concerned.  Yes, there are some bad people out there but we can't dwell on that. Maybe I am a bit biased on this subject as we have only seen the good sides of all this.

  6. You really have a bad way of looking at things.  You are taking all the bad elements (yes, they do exist) and embellishing them to include the whole system.  

    You have SOME bad foster parents, corrupt judges, and people just out to get paid.  However, it's not like social work is a lucrative career.  Most case workers are there because they honestly WANT to help kids.  Most foster families are there because they love children.  The system may need an overhaul, but it's not because everyone involved is evil.  I'm sorry you've been hurt, but seriously, stop insulting good folks..

  7. Very black and white in your assumptions.  Let me clarify a few things while I respond:

    There's a whole lot of wiggle room between "good family" and "killed".  The topics of religious zealots and abuse have come up in this forum.  Not ALL foster parents are saints, and not ALL foster parents are abusive.  And, of course, not ALL foster parents who aren't saints, are abusive, and vice versa.  Is foster care a great system?  No, not really.  There's ALWAYS room for improvement.  But it's not ALL bad.

    "government does nuthing"  That's not even close to true.  The government doesn't always do what NEEDS to be done, but they're not doing "nuthing".  I've participated in studies that have been conducted for numerous areas (crime victims, foster care, rape and domestic violence) that were intended to come up with ways that we could improve these areas, as far as service providers.  All government funded.  That money could have been spent on making the improvements that any idiot could have figured out we needed without that study...but this is the government we're talking about here.  We have to have the study before we can make the improvements...and there are a lot of steps in between, too.  But they're NOT doing nothing.  Change is SLOW, but not non-existent.

    "The adoptive parents do nuthing. Foster parents do nuthing, CPS workers (Frauds) do nuthing judges lawyers doctors... do nuthing but collect a paycheck and sit in silence"  I assume you're leaving out the majority of these people, who are actually good people with good intentions.  A small percentage of people, in EVERY walk of life is out to do harm, and chances are, even THEY think they're doing the right thing (most child abusers think they're teaching their kids a valuable lesson - I mean, if you broke a bone, wouldn't you remember what came before it?  They're not realizing that, to a kid, "what came before" the broken arm was an angry parent, not a bad deed.  Abuse doesn't have the intended effect on kids, and thank goodness it doesn't, otherwise everyone would be abusing their kids!).  

    Oh and by the way, with the comment about the paycheck...I really hope you're leaving out foster and adoptive parents.  They don't get a "paycheck".  They get, at most, a small amount of money that doesn't come close to covering the child's needs.  Its intended purpose is to make it possible for those people to afford to take care of their foster and adoptive kids.  Adoptive parents only get assistance IF their child is special needs, was adopted through the state, and if that child qualifies for assistance (i.e. if the child has medical or mental health needs that require a lot of doctor or therapist visits that aren't going to be covered by the parents' insurance - in those cases, it would be impossible for some adoptive parents to raise the child, simply because of the cost.  Since the state does not want to rule out good people who aren't rich, they help the new parents cover the additional costs.  But it's not anywhere near what they actually spend.)

    "So what do people think some kids deserve to live good lives and others die?"  I'm pretty sure no one really thinks that.  It's an imperfect system.  Yes, changes need to be made.  Yes, the government needs to get off their bum and do something.  It's great that you've noticed there's a problem.  How about you go to Washington and become a lobbyist for children's rights in foster care?  Or start a letter writing campaign?  Or join an existing group that fights for children's rights in foster care (look up pew commission on children in foster care...I think that's the name of it)?  You could be making some changes.  Good luck!

    ETA:  Are you honestly saying that there are only two possibilities...saint or murderer?  "Good parents" or "killers"?  There's NO in between, where people aren't perfect, but aren't horrible?  I mean, my goodness, I know I've made mistakes, but I also know I don't abuse children.  I'm nowhere near a saint, but I've never killed anyone, either.  So...I don't exist?  I think you're missing about 90% of the population here.  YES, there are those people who are sickeningly perfect.  YES, there are those people who murder children.  That covers maybe 10% of the entire world's population, maximum.  The other 90% just...what...don't exist in your eyes?  So, which one are you?  Are you perfect, or are you a murderer.  Just asking is all.

    Since I don't exist...don't worry about what I say.  I don't matter, if I'm not real.  Matter of fact, since I'm sure you're not perfect, and you're not in prison for murder right now, I'm pretty sure you don't exist, either.  So, I'm just not going to pay any attention to you.  You're a figment of your own imagination.

  8. If foster care is broken (which it probably is, just like all government systems) then what do you propose be done to fix it?

    BTW, you go Gaia Raain!!!

    EDIT:  I don't understand all the ranting... are you saying the entire system is a conspiracy or something?

  9. That's why people who spend all their money on "pro-life" bullshit make me mad.  Spend your effort and money on the children who are living NOW.  They are the important ones!!

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