
If french people had access to Answers would you be rude to them?

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If french people had access to Answers would you be rude to them?




  1. This doesn't sound too endearing, but i've been to France about 10 times and I love the country. Unfortunately i've never come across a French person who's been civil to me. I think it's just a sad fact that we hate the French and the French hate us.

  2. No, they are the rude people.

    But I think they would stink "answers" up.

  3. Well actually French people have access to the English version of Y! Answers.

    Why being rude to French people anyways, just for the sake of it?

    Then why not be rude to Germans, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese, etc?

    What did French people did to you that you are so angry with them?

    Most of the French people I know, love Britain and the US. They are rather polite, or at least have good manners (besides Parisians...but Paris is not France), but there is always the bad apple in the basket...Isn't that true for each and every country?

    BTW the consumption of garlic by person is higher in the USA/ Canada than France.

  4. NO!

  5. They do.

    And no - unless they were rude to me.


    is in france

  7. Oh yes

  8. there;s no reason for me to be rude.people are people..

  9. no, and I actually don´t understand why the brits hate the french and vice-versa...

    could u explain it?, thanks

  10. They do have access.....

  11. NO

  12. Non.  Oui - Un peu.

  13. I believe in the saying: "Treat others as you would like to be treated"  So no I would not be rude unless they were first rude to me.

  14. No, not unless they were rude first. Mainly they are rude to the English (and people from countries surrounding them), they are less offensive to Scots and probably the Welsh too.

  15. No unless they were rude to me.

  16. i love everybody,   at least i try :)

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