
If frugooscape server is down, that mean i can never play frugooscape again?

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If frugooscape server is down, that mean i can never play frugooscape again?




  1. yeah same with me, so it must be something rong witht he you think Jagex might have found it?

  2. Ya it is down.... im so mad its the weekend and its offline... but jagex didnt do anything to it, and it might work today later on.. or tommrow.

  3. yeh same

  4. 1st of all jagex cannot sue frugooscape because they worked out a deal and got a trade mark. 2nd of all yes it will come back he said he spilled coffe or something on the severs.

  5. its happened to me like yesterday too."the page can not be found".but i am sure it will come back.

    i hope

  6. No, it'll come back sooner or later.

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