
If fundamentalists think that the Bible is the only book we need...?

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Regarding sciences and the like, are there medical practices in the deep South practicing Bronze Age medicine? Why or why not?

Would a Christian actually go to a doctor for a good leeching, or perhaps to drill some holes in their daughter's head to elevate those demons. If the Bible is so informed about 'everything' then why are people not living in the Bronze Ages regarding technology and medical advances.




  1. The Bible is not meant to be a textbook on anything other than the salvation of mankind and things that are to come.  Prophecy.

    All forty authors of the 66 books that make up the Bible attest to and tell of one thing.  I'm not going to preach a sermon here.  I suggest you read the Bible yourself and pray to the Lord to give you understanding.  It's a matter of the smoking or non-smoking section of the afterlife.  No laughing or mocking matter.

  2. Silly, you don't need medicine or anything like that. Just find Jesus and have him heal you.

  3. Have you even read the Bible?  I was told I couldn't have kids , and now I have a 7 year old boy and I can testify to God;s healing power. I was 2 and was def and mute, my first sound was a refrig. God Bless

    God+o=Good and D+evil=devil

  4. Your inability to get the facts straight is astounding.

    Fundamentalists don't deny science and medicine, and they don't think that the Bible is the only book we need regarding those things.

    No one says that, and no one believes that.

    The Bible is the only book we need regarding our knowledge of God, and how we should live in order to please him.

    I don't know how you could arrive at such an intellectually dishonest conclusion, and I don't know where you learned to begin a question with a false assertion, but you should get your money back for the lousy education you received.

  5. Actually Atom.. We believe it's the only book needed for Godly living. Not for working on your car. Or remodeling your house. Science is merely a tool to figure things out. Because atheist have made that tool their God to a large degree they hold onto it with a religious fervor. Somehow they have allowed it to be permeated in their brains that to be Christian is to not use and be against science and to be atheist is to be on the side of or for science . Bible believing Christians have no problem with science. What they have a problem with is when those who hold to evolution and a atheistic world views don't look at all the evidence science is giving them. Not only do they not look at all the evidence science is giving them but will even take the evidence they do accept and either manipulate it to fit their world view or fill gaps that science does not support ... Anyways I hope this helped...God bless you !

  6. Read the Bible. You'll know everything that is needed to know.

  7. Makes you wonder why they haven't smashed Ted Haggard's head in with rocks yet, like the bible instructs...

  8. If it feels good and it makes life easy, then it's a god-given gift.

    If it feels bad and it makes life hard, then it's "science" and ought to be banned.

  9. The bible has never said anything about leeching and such. It gives general guidelines about cleanliness, sanitation, eating, handling a dead body, etc. If these things were followed most third world countries wouldn't have such disease. Also, the bible never said "don't go further and try to make things better", it actually references the fact that times will change but GOD will remain the same. Implying the times and technologies of the world will advance but GOD remains consistent in his love so in the end thats what matters. "These three shall remain hope faith and love and the greatest of these is love."(1st Corinthians 13:13)

  10. its the only book you need to find the one true christ so you can tell if your worshiping a fake one!

    as far as facts the bible talked about leprosy in the old testament

    ,science didn't discover any thing about it until the 500's when people were curing it back then, the bible also tells of people being healed by prayer, and jesus did alot of healing,.there are still people today that can heal but they are far and few!  there are many fakes that claim to be able to do this just watch tv

  11. The Bible God is said in the Bible to have created a world full of glitches from day zero!  The Bible is prescribing 7 dips in the Jordan River to get rid of some maladies... According to the Bible record, IT WORKS!

  12. Only the religious fundies think that.


  13. What Christ taught was meant to guide us on a spiritual journey. It doesn't have any bearing on what the body needs to remain healthy. The two are separate and anyone who doesn't use the brain God gave them to use the medical knowledge we've been blessed with in this world is willfully ignorant.

  14. Have you always been this biased and hostile toward Christians and Christianity.

    Christ and Christianity is all about Love and forgiveness.

    A lot of "fundies" tend to misrepresent Him.

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