
If gas prices go down, what would be the cause.?

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If gas prices go down, what would be the cause.?




  1. If the idiot hippie enviro-nuts would stop blathering to Congress and holding protests, we could access the estimated 3 TRILLION barrels of oil that are on the ocean shelf and Alaska deposits.

    Step two is to have the greedy pigs in Washington remove the 50-cent per gallon TAXES that we all currently pay, too

  2. Come on, Nodam! You are not reading the papers lately! The price of cheap oil is OVER! OUT! Actually, the world's oil supply is a finite resource. As early as ten years ago, oil companies are spending more money in explo'n but it is lucky if they hit one in say, 30. In the 1930, it would say in Texas, one in ten, is a good average. But now, no more. Sorry to say, but gas prices will no longer go down. It has a political price tag to it. Think of the tax on oil, the VAT charges, and how oil-producing countries (think Middle East) use oil as a bargaining chip. Even S. Arabia does not listen to Bush when it comes to request to UP production. Remember the  1970 gas rationing then. It should have given all of us a good lesson  in sensibility.  Just wondering why GM, Ford, etc. still has to produce gas guzzlers in these precarious and gas-thirsty times.

  3. If we increased Domestic production of oil in America and started a oil shale refinery and production or cola to gas project then it would increase supply and the demand would be still kept up

  4. The Saudi's and the oil companies have a change of heart and decided to share a coke with the rest of the world?

    Nooooooo!!!  Gas prices aren't going down.

  5. switch back to winter fuels in the fall, the value of the USD will go up, saudi arabia steps up production.  all of those will have an affect on the price

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