
If gas prices were a person, what would you say to them?

by  |  earlier

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What would you tell them to their face?




  1. ahem - in England petrol is now over £1 per liter That's $8 a gallon.  So, if I were talking to gas prices in America I'd be saying 'let's party!!!'

    You don't know how good you've got it!!!

  2. ***slap that ho*** taking all my money!

  3. Eat my p**p!

  4. You owe me, big time.

  5. You've put on a few pounds lately...time to cut back!

  6. hi, wanna go on a date

  7. nothing I can repeat as a lady.

  8. Stay off Yahoo Answers, you may catch something.

  9. I think the price increase has a positive side.

    Maybe we'll all be looking at alternate modes of energy more seriously now. Or walking.

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