
If gasoline went up to $20 a gallon (in 5 years), would you still drive your SUV ?

by Guest34233  |  earlier

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I just read a petrochemical survey about how the North Sea has run dry, how Saudi Arabia's larges reservours are about 5 years from total draw-down, and even Mexico's largest reserves will be dry in 3 years.

All of this means that oil will be somewhere between $400 and $600 per barrel, with gasoline costing about $15 to $20 per gallon.

WOW !!!

If it costs you $120 to fill up your fuel tank now, how's it going to feel when a fill-up costs $800 every time ?




  1. One simple answer Pacific Ethanol. Lets hope they pull us out of this mess

  2. well, its time to ride our bicycles...

  3. Until those filthy rich oil giants( by the way that's you Exxon) are through playing the "game", expect them to force us as consumers to buy more of that gas.

    I have that feeling that that these oil giants will manipulate auto manufacturers to produce worse and much less efficent vehicles  until the last drop of oil runs out.

    Then, get ready for these oil giants to become the "ethanol giants"

    There is no way out of this horrible situation.

  4. I don't own a gas guzzling SUV for that very reason.  I complain when it costs $50 to fill my tank and do everything I can to try to limit driving (simple things like taking the shortest route, combining outings so that they encompass running all errands for the week, walking when I can).  That being said, I would really like to see more $$ being spent on developing alternative fuels.  I don't need the prices to rise to $15 to $20 to feel like I'm spending too much.  I feel that way right now.  Good question though.

  5. I should think that a mass transit system based on electricity and fully electric cars/trucks will be going by then. I really have not seen a slow down in road or vehicle production to indicate such a problem exists. You may have misread what they said. It's the oil that we can currently get to that will run dry. We have to dig deeper and in protected lands (parks) to get to oil that can be easily extraced. All I can say is that I'm glad I have a little car. I sold my big Dodge truck two years ago.

  6. my muscle car used to cost me $100 per fill up or more when gas was $2 a gallon...i'd still drive it, but i'd convert the engine to run on something cheaper...

  7. I doubt gas will be $20/gal in our lifetime, and yes I's still drive my SUV, because my SUV is a Honda CRV and I get about 28mpg on the highway and about 25 around town.

  8. If gas goes up thast much, we won't have to worry about SUV's or anything else, for that matter. The riots and war  that preceded that would end a lot of options for many.

  9. I don't drive a SUV now...

  10. Dont come to the uk for will be suprised how  much we pay for fuel:

    diesel £1.18 per litre

    petrol £1.09 "       "

    most of this money goes to the robbing taxman.

  11. Believe me, when this time comes, they will find another resource for gas. But if so, I would sell the Envoy and get a BMW.

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