
If g*y marriage is okay, why is it not okay to marry siblings or parents. ?

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I was reading the arguments for g*y marriage and I was also watching Jerry Springer. It brought up the question. s*x and marriage to siblings and parents is gross, but there are those who say the same about between two people of the same s*x. If we discount religious or traditional reasons as we do for g*y marriage, should we also approve of marriage between siblings and parents/children?




  1. that's so different it's not even a fair comparison.  

  2. ok. look it. this is wrong on so many levels that you would compare humping your brother to g*y marriage. you must be really confused morally. when brothers and sisters have s*x and produce an offspring, often the kid is severely disadvantaged, same with parents and offspring.

    g*y people are two consenting adults having a sexual preference.

    you may say, oh, well, siblings or the parents and offspring may be of age, but psychologically, this is very damaging, not to mention, biologically a disaster.

    you watch springer and you are probably a born-again or something, this isn't a normal point of confusion for most people.

  3. I think that is legal in kentucky (joke...joke..JOKE) there iis now answer to this question.

  4. Sin is sin. God is not pleased with either of these and says so in His word.

  5. The reason that the laws prohibit intermarrying of relations is because of the increased risk of birth defects in an non-forking family tree.

    However same s*x couple will be unable to product natural children.

    in Europe first cousin marriage was acceptable; and it lead to the hereditary diseases like hemophilia in queen Victoria's children  

  6. because marriage to parents and siblings is going to result in deformed children. g*y marriage just results in no children.

  7. bc if children are created they would have genes that are too close together and we would create babies that have mental retardation and psychological problems.  there are enough crazy people as it is in this world already!

  8. If you were allowed to marry parents or siblings all the children in the world would be retarded.  Didn't you learn that in health class?

  9. Exactly the point as to why many people did not want same s*x marriages legal. Because people will immediately jump to the next thing. Marry their dog, marry their sister, marry their father, whatever. There has to be a line somewhere and I think you just crossed it.

    If siblings got married the genetics of their children would be totally messed up.  

  10. There is a HUGE difference between g*y marriages and incest.

  11. it wouldn't be ok if two brothers tried to marry, or two sisters because that is incest. as long as they aren't related who cares.


  13. No, absolutely not.  The mixing of the blood is interbreeding.  This causes mental retardation and multiple birth defects.  Besides being totally immoral and evil.

  14. because if u have kids there probably going to be mentally and physically challegend and no want to have s*x with there mom\

  15. HELLLLLLOO????????? Are you operating on all thrusters? Major birth defects...watching Jerry Springer says a lot about a person, none of it good I'm afraid. It has nothing to do with religion or tradition you silly goose, it's all in the GENES and the pool would become defective. Enough said.

  16. well.. in that case a real genetic sreening would be needed to insure that the combination of such close genetic lines did not have a large chance of having a child with a lof of reccesives. some people will bash any kind of relationship.. but if it is possible .. it has been done.  And with propper genetic screening all the people that are saying evrything gona be retarded have been listening to the politicaly corretc fear mongering that the churches and shools shove out by the barrel full.. do some serious thinking on your own before you go spreading what is propaganda

  17. With incest you could mutilate a child, and really would you have s*x with your mom or dad? Do you feel that way about your brother or maybe your sister? I personally think it's wrong. Plus if you ended up having a child they'd also carry a chance that they wouldn't be able to have children. The Ptolemies (A Mesopotamian clan related to Alexander the Great, who inherited Egypt and became Pharaohs.) Used to marry their siblings, unfortunately for them they had to take two or three wives/husbands in order to produce children after a while. Cleopatra herself married her brothers only to stop foreign princes from seeking her out, but carried on affairs with Cesar and Antony. Incest leads up to no good. Sorry, but it's genetically proven.  

  18. If I'm not mistaken, having kids with your parents, siblings, or other close family members makes the kids have mental issues.  g*y s*x can't produce kids, let alone ones with mental problems.

  19. If you toss aside all the moral implications of marrying your siblings or parents, the problem of genetics comes into play.

    Quite simply, after a long enough time of sister marrying brother, and daughter marrying father your going to come to a point where a good portion of the recessive genes that cause birth defects are all that is passed down to the children of such relationships, there would be a whole bunch of issues with the childs health.

  20. cause no one in this world really thinks anymore. g*y marriages are just as nasty and gross as marrying siblings and cousins etc. besides why would any1 want to do that!? it totally goes against wat God intended for the world he made.

  21. I don't agree with g*y marriage but there is a big difference between that and marrying your parents or sibling.  That is gross.  They can never procreate, the children would be severely retarded or not even live due to genetics.  So accually g*y marriage should be not allowed either because they can not procreate either.


  22. OMG!!! That is digusting.. Why would someone want to marry they siblings or parents.  Are you serious?  Only a freak would do some crazy sh*t like that.  g*y marriage is completely different because it's not like two bilogical sisters or brothers is getting married to each other.

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